Getting There

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Emma POV

Tonight is the night the night I'm going to finally going to do something out of my norm but I guess there is no going back now plus the fact Taylor said she was going to pick us up so I really can't go back now.

Then I heard the car outside haul twice making both me and Alexa look at each other with a smile as she walked up to me with a smile.

"Are you sure about this? Because if you're not we don't have to go I would never force you to do anything." Alexa asked as I smile at the fact she was worried about me.

"I'm a little nervous that's all but I'm sure about this thank you for worrying about me." I replied as she smiled before grabbing my hand I'm pulling me lightly.

"Then let's get this party started." She said making me laugh as we both left the house with smiles on her faces as we got into Taylor's car.

"Are you two ready?" She asked as we both of us looked at one another before looking at her with a smile and a nod.

"Yep." I replied as she smiled and began the drive to the party listening to Taylor's calm music in the car before we were met with the loud booming of party music.

"So what will be at this party?" Alexa asked curious as Taylor chuckled before replying.

"A little bit of everything to be honest loud music, boys, girls, a pool, game room, alcohol and such." Taylor replied as my eyes went wide.

"There's alcohol?" I asked as Taylor turned to me.

"Yeah but just a little not like real, real strong stuff though is that okay? If not I can turn around and take you back home if you want." She explained as I nod.

"No I'm fine it's just surprising that's all." I replied laughing as she let out a breath of relief as she smiled.

Alexa was very excited and could barely sit in her seat as I got real nervous as the house came into view you could hear the music from down the road but very lightly.

As soon as Taylor parked the car Alexa got out almost tripping but when I went to leave the car Taylor stop me.

"If you need to leave under ANY circumstances I will take you home so everything will be fine and if you need if something happens come find me or just stay by me ok?" She reassures me as I nodded while every feeling of nervousness went away.

"Ok." I said before we both left the car and went inside the party.

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