The Fight

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Amara POV

We pulled up to the party about 30 minutes later we opened the door to be met with the loud music, we pushed through the people, hoping that we will find the two we are looking for and we found them near a table with the red cups and such.

"Hello love it's me Amara I'm here to take you home ok." I said softly as she leaned into me.

Emma and Alexa looked trained almost like they were put through a storm which made me feel with anger because how could both Alice and Taylor let this happen? How could they let them drink in the first place? Were they pressured? Were they not?

But before Emma could reply I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up to see both Alice and Taylor with anger in their eyes.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" Taylor asked anger obviously and the question making both me and Bayle get up off the floor looking dead at them.

"We are here to pick them up because you and your dumbass friend let them drink probably knowing it was their first time doing so." Bayle replied anger also in her reply as Alice's eyes widened.

"Are you accusing that we made them drink? Because if so that's not what happened they wanted to drink." Alice replied her fists tightened as she stepped closer to us.

"Well then why are they feeling sick, wanting to go home and do you left them in a corner where anyone can find them!" I yelled as Taylor began to have a yelling match with me.

"We would NEVER do that I would NEVER do that so for you to suggest that is bizarre." Taylor said to me with anger as both parties begin to have a yelling match.

Finally after yelling for a while Emma and Alexa got up and got between us putting space between the two groups as Emma and Alexa looked at Alice Taylor.

"We wanna to go with them, we wanna to go home." Emma said to Taylor who looked absolutely furious then it happened.

Both Alice and Taylor grabbed Alexa and Emma shoving them into the table behind them making me see red.

I grabbed Taylor by the collar and punched her in the face making her fall back into another table.

"Don't you ever touch her like that EVER AGAIN! Do you hear me Taylor? Ever again, if you ever touch her like that ever again me and you will have problems sober or not!" I yelled at her as we all heard shattering making my head snap up to see Alice and Bayle fist fighting.

"Bayle." I said as she continued to do what she was doing.

"Bayle!" I yelled pulling her out of her anger as she looked at me before looking back at Alice.

"If you ever touch her again you're dead." She told Alice before letting her go and going to Alexa picking her up bridal style as I did the same with Emma.

"It's okay love I got you." Bayle said to Alexa softly As we both left the party with hurt knuckles but in the end it was worth it.

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