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Alexa POV

Today is stressful I mean I'm walking into school with a whole new look about the two people that believe me and my friend so I guess that makes a big difference of things depending on how you look at it personally.

Me and Bayle walked with one another as people look at us weird as we walked by them Bayle was nervous because today was the day that she was going to give her apology to Emma she is scared that Emma won't accept which is normal.

"Hey it's okay I've already told you Emma is the nicest person on Earth she will accept it, ok." I told Bayle as I rubbed her back as we walked the halls going to our meeting place to meet up with Emma and Amara.

"But what if she doesn't I mean I'm the reason that her high School start up sucked." Bayle said as we both continue to walk the halls.

"You're one of the reasons and she already forgave the other one so why wouldn't she forgive you if she forgave the other one?" I asked as Bayle looked at me before she smiled.

"I guess you're right." She replied chuckling as we went into the yard of the school to see both Amara and Emma sitting on the benches laughing with one another as we approached them.

"Hey you too." I said to both of them as we sat down next to them as we they both said a 'hello' before Bayle stood up and looked at Emma.

"Emma I want to give you an apology." She started as Emma instantly started waving her hands.

"No, you don't really have to bayle." She told Bayle who shook her head not taking no for an answer.

"No, I want to." She said with a smile as she started her apology once again.

"Emma I am deeply sorry for everything I put you through over the years and I deeply regret it and if I could I would take it back and never do it again but I can't so right now I'm stuck with doing an apology so I hope you accept it and forgive me." She finished with a smile as I clapped and Emma smiled.

"I accept your apology Bayle." Emma said with a smile as Bayle smiled and sat next to me.

"Told you she would accept the apology." I told Bayle with a smile as she smiled into my neck as we watched the sky.

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