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Emma POV

It was about 4:45p.m when I finally got on the bus and before you say 'what took you so long?' the bike. The fucking heavy bike is what took me so long but I couldn't get rid of it because it's a gift from the one and only Bayle.

I got on the bus quietly as everyone on the bus wants to get where their going and they don't really like to talk most of the time but if you get someone on a good day you might have a good, long conversation.

I sat down in the back knowing that most people are and would sit in the front because of the fact that they wanna get where their going and don't get in their way but then one person sat right next to me and when I turned to look it was a girl maybe my age wearing a rain coat.

"Question, why aren't you wearing a coat? I know it's none of my business but I would think that in this weather you would wear one." She asked with a chuckle as I laughed a bit.

"No you have a right to question I know it looks like I'm crazy but I promise I wear coats I just forgot mine today that's all." I explained as she nodded chuckling.

"What school you from?" She asked as I got confused a bit before she realized and explained it.

"I'm assuming that you came from school because of the backpack I didn't mean to like be weird if I seemed like it." She said as I chuckled.

"No your not being weird you just caught me off guard that's all." I told her with a chuckle as a sigh of relief came from her with a smile as I continued on.

"And I come from the highschool down the road back there." I replied to her question pointing in the area of the highschool her eyes widening in surprise.

"Your my enemy then because I come from that one." She replied with a laugh as dhe pointed at my school's rivel school making us both look at each other and then laugh.

My stop was coming up which made me feel bad because she probably just made my day 10 times better but I guess she knew I was down because she looked at me with confusion.

"What's wrong have I done something wrong?" She asked worried as I shook my head.

"No it's just my stop is coming up and you made my day so much better so I'm going to miss you because I don't think I'll see you again." I said sadly as her eyes widened shaking her head and pulling out a piece of paper.

"My number and here's my coat and trust me I have an extra and yes I insist on you taking it." She replied handing me the paper and pulling out her extra coat handing it to me.

"Thank you I-I don't know what to say just thank y-you." I stuttered a bit with a smile as the bus came to a stop which made both of us smile.

"No problem Em have a safe walk home text me when you get there." She replied with a smile as I nodded and let me through.

"I will and do you have a safe drive home I told her which made her smile as she watched me leave the bus as she waved a goodbye at me.

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