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Emma POV

As she walked to the back I knew I was in for it she sat down in the desk behind me and began to play with my hair as I tried to pay attention to the lesson.

The teacher turned around making Amara smile as she grabbed a bunch of my hair pulling it to where my ear was right by her mouth I should begin to speak.

"I heard what you did this morning it was really brave of you but you got Bayle really, really, mad." She whispered in my ear as I knew what was coming but I had to at least apologize.

"Amara I'm really sorry it won't happen again I swear." I whispered back as she shook her head.

"Did I say you could talk?" She asked as she took on my hair harder making me whimper a bit as she ran her fingers through my hair quietly.

"You must be quiet or they will hear us and we don't want that do we?" She asked waiting for me to reply but when she got none she tugged on my hair.

"Do we?" She asked again anger sensed in the question making me answer quickly.

"No, no we don't want that." I replied quickly as she smiled and went back to running her fingers through my hair as she hummed a little melody.

"Please let go of my hair." I whispered as she stopped and pulled my hair so hard that my head was now laying on the desk with her glaring down at me.

"Excuse me?" She asked but before she could continue her rant the teacher pulled us out of our conversation.

"You ladies okay back there?" He asked as my head shot up her hands still in my hair which makes it tug on my hair.

"We are okay sir." She replied to him as a smile came to his face as he continued to talk to us.

"Great, because you will be partners for this project being as you two were talking to each other while people were partnering up." He explained with a smile as my eyes widened.

"That-" Amara started but I got up hoping that I could switch or even do it alone.

"Sir can I do it alone or maybe switch partners? Please?" I asked standing up from my desk as Amara looked angry and the teacher looked confused.

"You have to have a partner for this project Emma so I'm sorry you cannot work alone." He replied as my heart sank as Amara's arms wrapped around me as she smiled.

"We are okay sir thank you." She said hugging me as he smiled and replied.

"Great well you guys may leave now class is over." He said turning away from us as I undid her arms grabbing my bag going to leave but Amara followed.

"Emma! EMMA!" She yelled as I run down the Halls running towards Alexa before Amara could catch up.

What am I going to do now?

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