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Emma POV

Oh man I haven't seen Amara or Bayle since what happened with Amara which meant bad news because something was going to happen I can feel it in my bones but I just can't put my finger on it.

It's the end of the day and I'm walking through the halls looking for Alexa who's probably already at the bikes waiting for me so I just went to the back of the school where the book school buses and the bikes are with a smile on my face.

I walked over to my bike happy that the day went along without much interaction with Bayle and Amara and that I'm pretty good and all my classes without problems.

I was unlocking my bike when I felt a hand on my shoulder that squeezed and roughly turned me around to see both Amara and Bayle glaring at me.

"H-hey you guys." I said shaky as both continued to glare at me.

"What did I tell you about talking when not spoken to?" Amara said her eyes darkening with anger as Bailey glared at me as I hushed.

"did you really think that you could leave with no problem after all you did today? First yelling at me and then, what you did in class with Amara? Bayle asked as I looked down at the ground not knowing how to answer.

"ANSWER ME!" Bayle yelled as Amara looked on as Bayle looked on in anger as she walked up to me now face to face.

"What you can't talk now?" She asked her anger surrounding both of us as she pulled out her pocket knife coming closer to me before I heard running and Bayle was pushed away from me.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Alexa yelled as Bailey stumbled back anger held in her eyes as Amara also held surprise.

"Well you need your 'BeStIe' to come save you?" Bayle asked teasingly with a smoke smile as I still had my head down looking at the floor as Alexa started talking.

"You know with the way you follow us around I would start to think that you have an obsession with us, don't you think?"Alexa asked copying Bayle's smug smile as anger clearly rising on Bayle's face.

"You wish but because we have to go I'll leave your little friend with a gift." She replied with a smile as she walked over to me and with a quick motion slashed my tire to my bike and smiled smugly before walking away with Amara who looked, mad?

"I'm so so sorry Emma do you want me to take you home?" Alexa asked worried as my as I shook my head.

"No need I'll just take the bus but thank you for the offer have a safe drive home." I replied with a smile as she looked worried and angry but let it go quickly.

"If you say so I'll see you tomorrow." She replied getting on her bike as I smiled.

"See you tomorrow." I replied picking up my bike and began my walk to the bus as Alexa drove off.

I guess it's time for the bus.

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