Chapter 1: The Boiling Isles

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Masha's Pov:

I sat listening to Vee explain how the Boiling Isles worked, I honestly didn't care. I just wanted to jump up and down. I just wanted to go there already, so instead of listening, I just mumbled out a 'hm' and an 'ohh' every 5 seconds, and that was good enough.

"Ok, I think we're finally ready to get going," Vee said, putting the last few things into her bag

"How do you need all that?! My bag is practically empty. " I chuckled

"I have very important things, trust me," Vee smiled

"Yeah yeah whatever I just wanna get going," I grumbled as I slung my bag over my shoulder


We finally got there and dropped our things off in the 'owl house.' I didn't know what that was, but I just couldn't be bothered to find out either.
I and Vee I went to the park and sat on the swings. I slowly kicked
My feet as the wind pushed along the swings.

We were talking about
What we should do now we were
Actually here.
"We could try and get into that school. hexide?" Vee suggested

"I'm not sure.. what if we get bullied or something," I said, looking at the floor

"It's worth a shot," Vee encouragingly smiled at me

"Alright, whatever you say." I returned the smile

"If not, we could just go around and explore a little," Vee said

I looked over at Vee, whose eyes were locked on the floor. It was the first time I noticed how good she looked.
I started blushing at my thoughts as I slapped my hand on my face.
"Why'd you do that?" Vee laughed

"There was a bug." I smiled sheepishly.
I stood up, dusting off my clothes.
"This place is so dirty," I said

Vee stood up, also dusting herself off, My train of thought got cut off as I watched her.
Why was I acting like this? Vee is my best friend, nothing more..
I smacked my hand on my head, rapidly trying not to think about her anymore.

"What are you doing?" Vee said, grabbing my hands

I gulped, trying to avoid eye contact, I needed to stop acting like this! I can't... I can't have a crush on my best friend, right?

Time skip

Vee suggested we went on a walk so I could clear my head. I didn't tell her what was bothering me, of course, even though she kept asking.
I must be stupid. How did I think going on a walk with Vee right now was a good idea?! She was the person I needed to clear my head off! What a dumb idea.

As we walked around the park, I noticed the darker it got the fewer people. Until we were all alone in this park with very few street lights.
I turned to look at Vee, who had a big smile on her face.

"What's got you so happy?" I asked

"Nothing. I'm just happy you came along to the Boiling Isles. " Vee smiled

"Yup. It's quite the place. " I looked at the limited space between us, I had the urge to just hold her hand, but I didn't want to make it weird.

Vee noticed me staring at her. She laughed a little before I realised I'd been staring.
"Oh fuck I'm sorry I... zoned out" I stammered

We stopped walking right under a dim street light, I noticed how red Vee's face was.
"What's the blush about" I smirked

"What- Oh I.. um it... we've been walking for a while so... I'm just really warm." Vee struggled for an answer as I chuckled. Why was I only now noticing how pretty she is?

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