Chapter 5: Find Vee

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Masha's Pov:

I was sitting in Bumps office with Boscha, who didn't dare look at me. She had a bloody nose, a black eye, and her neck was full of bruises. Her eye whites were slowly turning red, and she even had eye bags.

I honestly did want to hurt her, but maybe not this bad..
She looked so fucked up like she had just been ran over, really.
Her hair was a mess, which made her look even worse, we both just had to sit in the room while bump stared at us. Neither me nor Boscha knew why he was just silently looking at us.
I was the first to speak
"Sir, no disrespect, but why are we just sitting here?"

"I'm waiting for you both to apologise. And Boscha, when we locate Vee, you will be apologising to her too." Bump finally spoke

"I don't know why I should be apologising to them." Boscah said gesturing to me

Oh... my... God!!
Did Boscha just use my pronouns right!? Maybe all she needed
to get strangled until she got through her thick skull that I'm not a girl.

"Thank you" I said

"For what" she answered still avoiding eye contact

"Not calling me a girl"

Boscha fell silent..
The whole room was silent again until I realised something

"Wait, Principal Bump, did you say when you locate Vee Boscha has to apologise?"

"Yes. After your fight she disappeared, we saw from the cameras that she ran her off campus her friends chasing after her. We haven't managed to locate any of them" he answered
My blood ran cold.
Vee had ran away because she was scared of me? Or was it because of what Boscha had said?
Why was I so stupid! I should have been there to comfort Vee not to just fight the person. Vee probably would have preferred comfort in that moment not for me to be an idiot..
She probably thinks I'm a monster now, everyone probably does. I mean I literally tried to Kill Boscha.

Although it angered me to say this but I needed to apologise to Boscha.
I turned to her
"Hey Boscha."

"Need something?" She answered with sniffles in-between

"I want to say I'm very sorry, I know I can't fix what I did but my emotions got the best of me. I got angry that you insulted my friend" I mumbled

"I'm sorry for breaking your arm" she answered

"Thanks" I said looking at the cast on my arm

"Good now. You girls must promise this will not happen again." Bump spoke up

"Yes sir" me and Boscha said in sync

"We will be moving your lessons apart from each other, so you will not be in any of the same lessons together. As well as Vee she will be separated from you Boscha"

"Good," Boscha sniffled

"May I go now?" I asked, I just wanted to find Vee as quick as possible so I could explain

"You may not. But Boscha, you may leave if you please" Bump said

"Yes sir" she smirked at me and walked out

"This isn't fair sir, she is just responsible as me" I groaned

"You started at her Masha."

"Sir i need to go and find to Vee" I raised my voice slightly but not loud enough to be yelling

"That can wait" Bump yelled

"No it can't! I'm leaving to going to find Vee and that's that!" I yelled as I grabbed my things and left

Where was I even meant to look? The owl house? Last time she was upset with me she got lost somewhere.
My only choice was to look at the owl house and just hope she was there.

Time skip:

It was a long and harsh walk back to the owl house as it was pouring with boiling rain and i had a broken fucking arm, but I finally got there,
I had to wait for gaps in between the rain and had to run under trees and buildings, etc.
I was praying that Vee wasn't outside in this weather.

I  slowly twisted the door handle to see Eda and a person with toothpast coloured hair, glasses and a violin sat next to them they were both sat on the couch, and Eda was sobbing into the person's shoulder.

"What happened, Eda?" I asked

"Luz and the others haven't come back yet. They must be out in the.. rain, " the other person said

Suddenly, Eda bolted up and ran to me
"Do you know where they are?!" She asked

"No, I don't. I'm sorry. I've also been looking for them, " I said disappointedly

Eda burst onto tears once again as the person comforted her
"So what's your name?" I asked the person with glasses

"Raine, I'm Raine. Nice to meet you.."

"Masha" I faked a smile, how could I be happy knowing Vee was out there.

I wanted to cry so bad but I just couldn't. I was meant to be the chilled out one, I was meant to be tough, I'm meant to hold it in. That's why people rely on me, because I can handle these things, because I don't get sad I've never been..
And there it was. The tears flowed silently but quickly, running down my face and turning my eyes red.

I needed to know that Vee was ok I needed to find her

Authors Note:

Short chapter sorryyy! I just wanted to get this chapter out quickly so it might not be the best written chapter anyway. I hope you enjoyed it. I know not a lot of drama, but idc. Also next chapter is so fucking sad in my opinion so gmbring tissues! Anywayyy see you in the next chapter!

Words: 950

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