Chapter 6: Find Vee Part II

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Vee's Pov:

Me, Luz, Amity, Hunter, Willow, Gus and Matt where sat a rivers edge under a large oak tree full of red leaves.

Luz had her arm around me, and Amity, me on the left and Amity on the right.
Willow and Hunter were obviously flirting quietly, Willow had her head on hunters lap. It was so obvious they liked each other but never said, I always wondered why.
I mean if you both like each other why not get together instead of
pretending that it's normal for
friends to kiss and snog each other.

Anyway, mat and gus where talking about how we where going to get to the owl house with out getting burnt alive and Luz and Amity were talking about the good witch Azura.

All I could think about was how
Masha had fought Boscha, they risked going to jail just for me!

But why did I run away?
Was I scared? No that wasn't it..
Angry? No not that either..
Upset? Maybe..
Worried? Yes that's it.. i was worried and upset, upset because of what Boscha had said and worried for Masha.

I needed answers, to my own feelings.
I feel like I'm in denial, I'm not quite sure, yet I am sure at the same time?
My own emotions confuse me, is it
Because I'm a.. Basilisk?
Or because I'm just getting use to human emotions?
Or maybe.. just maybe.. I'm sure of my feelings but I can't accept what
It is that I'm feeling.

My mind and heart say two different things, which am I meant to follow? The saying goes -follow your heart-
But they also say your mind
Stays true to you while your
Heart, goes after others.
What am I to do..

"Luz.." I whisper my eyes still watching the water

"Yes?" She answers in a whisper

"I'm scared.. and confused. I don't know what I want, well I do but I don't know if what I want is what I need"

"Vee.. what are you scared of? What are you confused about?"Luz asks turning to me as Amity goes to talk to Willow

"I don't know.." I say. Luz stays quiet as she waits for an answer "its .......... Masha, I dont know my feelings for them."

"Do you like them?"

"Yes" I answer

"Do you love them?"

"I don't know"

"Would you kiss them?"

"Yes, probably."

"Would you enjoy the kiss?"

"...... probably.." I whisper

"Would you hug them?"

"Yes, definitely."

"And would you enjoy that?"

"Of course"

"Now answer this truthfully,"

"I will"

"Would you date them?"

My ears hurt, the silence was so loud.

"Yes" I finally say my fists clenched

"Now ill ask again, Do you love them?" Luz asked

And there it was, it finally hit me. And it hit me so hard I felt like I had been hit with a brick.

"I love Masha.." the tears starting forming "holy shit.. I actually love them"

Luz put her and on my shoulder comfortingly.

"I felt the same way with Amity. I felt like my mind and heart were saying two different things, but all you have to do is get your mind to follow your heart, or your heart to follow your mind. I know it hurts
If the outcome wasn't what you wanted it to be but that is just life. I hope you've understood what I mean" luz smiled as she stood up and joined the conversation the others where having, leaving me alone.

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