Chapter 8: Vee's Socials

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This chapter is mainly Amitys and Luz's Pov [Sorry!!]

Amity's Pov:

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I soon felt the arms that were wrapped around me.
I looked around the room for a moment before realising I was in the Owl House and it was probably Luz that was cuddling up to me.
I slowly turned myself around and came face to face with Luz who wad still sleeping.
'God she's so adorable..' I thought

I raised my hand to brush a piece of hair from her face after it was moved I looked back at her face and we locked eyes
"Shit.. sorry.. I didn't mean to wake you." I whispered

"It's alright. I'm glad you did" she smiled

"Why's that?" I asked confused

"One, because i love that the first think I see when I wake up is you and two because we have school in.. an hour" she pulled me back into a hug

"If we have school why are we cuddling?" I chuckled

"It's only for 5 minutes.." she whispered as I felt her drift back to sleep.

Eventually, we both had gotten up and ready for school, I was just doing my eye liner when I heard someone knock on our door.

"Come in," I say, seen as Luz was in the bathroom changing

Vee came in and sat on the bed fiddling with her hands.

"Here for Luz or?.." I ask as I look at her

"Your eyeliner looks cool.. and yes I am, but I'm also here for you" she smiled awkwardly

"Thanks, why are you here then?" I ask as I turn to put eyeliner on my other eye.

"Well um.. ill explain when Luz gets here." She said

"You alright? You seem a bit shaky?" I say turning to her again, my eyeliner now done.

"It's something about B..Boscha.." She stuttered

"Oh.. have you told Masha?" I asked now very concerned

"No! They might do something that'll get them hurt again" Vee sighed

Luz walked out of the bathroom and sat next to Vee.
"Don't be mad, but I overheard the conversation."

"I wanted you to know anyway" Vee smiled

"Alright so what's up" I say sitting next to Vee on the other side

"Boscha got my socials somehow.. and she's been saying.. things" she whispered

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I say as I wrap my arms around Vee, which she does back.

"What has she said?" Luz asked

"Well.." Vee said as I broke the hug "she's been calling me things and making fun of all of us.." Vee handed Luz her phone

Luz scrolled for a while at all the messages Vee had screenshoted.
Luz looked at me with a look of concern, sadness, and a hint of anger.

"Do you mind if me and Amity discuss this?" Luz asked

"Yeah I don't mind.." Vee said as she stood up and left the room

"Amity the things on here are actually disgusting.." Luz said moving closer to show me

"Do I even want to see?" I questioned although I already knew the answer, of course I wanted to see.

I took the phone and read the messages.

I took the phone and read the messages

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"Oh my god

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"Oh my god.." I was shocked, I mean Vee did stand up for herself a little but what Boscha said was still unbelievable!

Authors Note:

Sorry this is a short chapter again! I'm not really sure what to write about so yeah. But next chapter will be a longer one just to make up!

Words 587

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