Chapter 2: School Drama

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Vee's Pov:

I stood up from the bed and walked over to masha, who was drawing in a sketch book
"That's really good!" I smiled
Masha returned the smile before we heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Guys?" We heard my sister, Luz Noceda, say. I shot out of my seat runner to the door and greeted luz.

"You guys better get to sleep if you dont wanna be late tomorrow," Luz said in a non-serious tone

"Yeah, I'm quite tired anyway." Masha was right behind me! I hadn't even heard them walk up behind me.

"Bye, love birds," Luz said, skipping to her room before I could do anything.

"Jerk!" I screamed as I watched her enter her own room. I turned around face to face with Masha.

"Is there something on my face?" They said rubbing their face

"No. I just zoned out, sorry, " I said, walking over to the bed.

Masha once again sat next to me, leaning back against the backboard of the bed.
I blushed a little before coming to my senses
"I can sleep on the floor?" I suggested, picking up my pillow

"Uhm, absolutely not," Masha whispered, yelled.
I smiled as I shifted comfortably in my seat. Masha was the best, but I was still scared of my feelings for them. They were giving me so many mixed signals, first the kiss then whatever you'd call what happened a minute ago and now they wanted me to sleep on the bed with them.
But at the same time, they never acted as if they liked me apart from those 3 times. All I know is that I love them, and that's that.


Masha's Pov:

I woke up to the loud buzzing of the alarm clock Luz had given me and Vee. It was abnormally loud and sounded like a dying seagull.
"Ugh, shut up, you stupid thing," I said as I grabbed the alarm clock, throwing it across the room, but it still didn't turn off.

I looked down to see Vee laying there. All through the trip to the Boiling Isles, I've started to notice how pretty Vee is. Even in her basilisk form, I wouldn't be able to call her anything but beautiful. I know it sounds cringy and sappy, but it's true.
I wanted nothing more than for her to be mine. I leaned down and kissed her forehead before standing up.

I managed to find out how to turn the alarm off and headed downstairs.
On the sofa were Luz and Amity, who were literally making out like there was no tomorrow.
"Jesus, get a room, you barbarians." I laughed, walking past them

"Oh shut up, I know you wanna make out with Vee," I heard Luz scoff

"You'll regret that," Vee scarily smiled as she finished walking down the stairs.

"Oh shit. Amity run, she's going to devour your magic. " I laughed

"Why me?!" Amity groaned

"Becauses it would annoy, Luz," I said, wolfing down the toast in my hand

Vee got to the bottom of the stairs and stood beside the couch.
"Run," she said, looking directly at Amity. She jumped up, running out the front door.

"You chased away my girlfriend!" Luz frowned

"You chased away my will to live. " Vee said

"Why am I too annoying for you guys?" Luz smirked."By the way, you guys are defo going to be late."

I groaned, taking my uniform.

Time skip

[Still Masha's Pov]

I walked into the cafeteria it was break right now. I needed to find Vee, and when I did, I found her and sat next to her. She was sat by what looked to be a twelve year old <Gus>, a girl with two braids in her hair <Willow>, a boy who just looked like a jerk <mattholomule>, another boy i didn't know <hunter> and then there were Luz and Amity.
All the people I didn't know took a good look at me before smiling at me. Apart from the one who looked like a jerk, he just stared at me.

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