Chapter 3: Heart To Heart

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Masha's Pov:

I already knew I would hate this class.

"Hello, you must be the new student. Why don't you come to the front and introduce yourself? " the teacher said with a smile

"Uhm, ok.." I muttered

I walked up to the front of the classroom.

"Hi. I'm Masha, and I go by they/them, meaning if you call me a girl or a boy, I will kick your ass like I did Boscha" I looked over to the 3 eyed witch who looked pissed as hell

Everyone started laughing at Boscha before the teacher yelled at everyone.

"Masha! I understand you are new here, but we do not tolerate bullying!" The teacher yelled.

"You'll have to sit by Boscha. Maybe that way, you two will learn to get along. "

I gulped as Boscha grinned, I knew this wouldn't end well.

I sat down next to her, putting my books on my desk.
As I reached into my pocket for a pencil, I heard a loud bang as my books crashed to the floor.
I looked up, noticing Boscha was resting her head in her hand and looking at me with a smirk.

"Pick that up like a good girl," she whispered so the teacher wouldn't hear.

My heart dropped, I'd only been here for an hour, and I'd already gained a bully.
I know I'm normally a strong person, but I knew this would be different from the other times I was bullied.
My eyes widened as she also grabbed my pencil, snapping it in half with a spell.

"Oops," she laughed as she turned back to her potion making.
I stood up and collected my books, I held them on my lap so Boscha wouldn't repeat her previous action.

The bell finally rang, yet I stayed in my seat until I saw Boscha get up.
I gripped my things quickly and followed directly behind her.
I smiled to myself as I kicked her in the back of the leg, sending her to the floor.

She spun around, looking at me intently as I stood above her

"I over power you any day bitch. You remember that." I snapped as I walked away

Time skip [ Still Masha's Pov]

It was finally lunch I had been waiting all day for this. I wasn't hungry I just had no lessons with Vee and that made me feel a little shitty.

The last time I saw her was at the start of the day at break.
I found her standing by the table we were sat by at break. She looked overwhelmed, I kept distance trying to listen to what she was saying.

"Guys I don't know what to do! I really like them but I'm like 100% sure they don't like me back!" Vee groaned as she walked around the table.

"Girl, they called you hot and when I said that they wanted to make out with you this morning they didn't deny it!" Luz said while Amity shook her head in agreement

"I think you should go for it, Vee!" Willow smiled comfortingly

My eyes widened.
Vee liked me!?
I couldn't jump to the chase though it might not be me..

I walked over Vee still blabbering as everyone tried to warn her to shut up.

"Yeah so should I ask them out-" Vee spun around and gulped as she looked at me.

"Whatcha talking 'bout," I asked, sitting down next to luz, followed by Vee

"Nothing, nothing, just some kid in my abomination class." she awkwardly laughed

My eyes grew dull. Why did I even care?!
I smiled awkwardly, shoving my food away. I had lost my apatite.

"Aren't you going to eat, Masha?" Vee asked

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