Chapter 7: Caught You

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Masha's Pov:

After the rain had finally stopped, me, Vee and the others headed back to our homes, but only Amity come back to the owl house with me, Vee and Luz, she never wanted to go home to her mother and farthers arguing.

Although everyone kept trying to talk to me on the way back I just didn't talk to them my whole mind and body just wanted to think about on thing,
What Vee had done. She kissed me
Or was it a tease?
Omg does she know I like her?
Who told her!?
But I haven't told anyone, I dont think....

"Masha, masha, Masha!!" Vee yelled from beside me

"Hm? Oh sorry I zoned out.." I muttered

"It's fine, just wanted to let you know that your about to walk into a wall" Vee said as I smashed my face into the wall of the Owl house

"Well gee thanks for stopping me" I said sarcastically

"Sorry" Vee smiles

We finally get to our room and I sit at the desk, I slide over my sketch book and open it to the next clean page.
I grabbed my pencil and glanced around the room. My eyes landed on Vee who was reading a book on the bed with a thin blanket around her.

I slowly looked back at my page and began to draw.
Every once and a while I would look at Vee unfortunately she kept moving positions so I decided to restart and draw her in the way I first saw her as herself and not Luz.
I slide over the lamp and a stack of books.
I shone the lamp at the page and put the books in the way of Vees view of what I was doing.

"Whatcha doin?" She asked standing up

"Nothing," I say as I continue to draw

"Are you revising or drawing?" She asks

"Revising" I lie not taking my eyes off of my drawing

"Alright then" she sighs as she lays back down on the bed and goes on her phone.

I was finally finished and I was actually happy with my work.
I smiled and looked over at Vee she wasn't there?
I looked around to see her standing behind me on the left side.
"I knew it," she smiled

"What I..  I was just doodling.. I had nothing else to draw!" I exclaimed

"Just admit i caught you," she giggled,
God, her laugh is so pretty. Everything and anything she does is pretty honest. How could you not have a crush on her?


Words: 460

wow, it took me soooo long to write this small little chapter. dont ask why I made this so short, but I did. See you in the next one!

Mashas drawing:

Fanart by: lunoij on insta

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