Chapter 4: The fight

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[The song attached is for when Masha realises what they did]

Masha's Pov:

I have no idea why I'm feeling so much better being here than the human realm.
I believed in witches and the devil before I knew Vee.
It's unreal that I was actually right!
I smiled to myself. Maybe I could ask Luz to teach me a little about glyphs so I can do magic, too.

I headed downstairs, where I saw Vee and Luz on the couch together, watching something on Luz's phone.

"Hey guys, what you watchin'?" I asked as I sat next to Vee

"The Good Witch Azura," Luz said, her eyes glued to the phone

"Looks good. What's it bout?" I asked

"Witches." Vee replies, laughing."The name literally explains it."

"I wasn't listening" I tried to salvage my reputation

"It's fine, dummy." Vee smiled

I returned the smile, red creeping onto my face making me quickly turn away.
Luz gave me a smirk I knew what she meant, I have her an aggravated smile and stood back up.

"I'm going to make pancakes. Does anyone want some?" I said, looking around the room and noticed Amity, Gus, mattholomule, hunter, and willow were also there.

"Yes!" Everyone shouted almost in sync

"Alrighty, 8 pancakes coming up"

I walked back into the living room once the pancakes were done
"One for Vee" I said handing Vee a plate

"One for Luz and one for Luz's girlfriend" I said handing Amity and Luz their plates

"One for Gus and his boyfriend" I teased Gus as I handed him and his best friend (mattholomule) their plates
They both shot me an angry look

"And one for Hunter and Willow" I said handing their plates

I sat on the couch next to Vee once everyone had their plates

"Were is Vee's girlfriend's plate?" Luz grinned

"Who?" I said gritting my teeth

"Yours?" Everyone but me and Vee said.

"Uhm, what guys we're just friends?" Vee laughed awkwardly

"Oh fine whatever" Hunter said as he stood up and took everyone's empty plates to the kitchen

"We're gunna be late!" Willow yelled as she grabbed her things and ran out the door

"Oh well" Mattholomule shrugged

Gus collected his things and followed Willow while mattholomule suddenly had a change in heart and ran after Gus.

"Oh shit!" Vee said under her breath but I still heard it

"What was that?" I turned to face her a grin plastered on my face.
Vee wasn't a kind of person to swear and always yelled at people who did swear so it was unusual of her to say that.

"Nothing" she smiled at me and stood up "We best get going" Vee said dragging me by my arm

Time skip

Vee's Pov:

All day I've had a suspicion that today will go good! Maybe I'll
Even get to spend more time with Masha, we had 3 classes together all in the same row, we had first second and third together. Sadly we also had a class with Boscha, second.
As me and the rest of the group were walking to hexide I felt a strong tug on my sleeve.

"Ow!!" I yelled as a girl slung me to the floor

"Heyy, miss me?" The girl said
I adjusted my eyes and looked up to see Boscha

"Oh, it's you." I said glumly

"You know it. Anyway I don't care about you were is your little girlfriend" she spoke loudly

"What?" I asked was she talking about Masha..?

"Behind you" a voice said from behind Boscha.
I quickly stood up seeing Masha

"Again, must I remind you? I'm.. not.. a... Girl, " Masha screamed at Boscha

"Oh don't lie to yourself" Boscha smiled evily

"You'll regret pushing my girl to the floor" Masha spoke lightly

Wait. Did Masha just call me theirs?!
I was screaming on the inside

I looked behind me to see Luz, Amity, Hunter, Willow, Gus and Matt all watching the drama

"See, I knew you two were gays." Boscha grinned while also having a disgusted look on her face

"So what?" Masha asked

"So what? Uhm maybe because it's gross" Boscha repeated

"Like your face?" Masha said back quickly

Boscha looked shocked and stepped back a little clearly offended

"Well, at least I don't have a worm for a friend!" Boscha finally mustered out

Masha's Pov:

"Well, at least I don't have a worm for a friend!" Boscha finally mustered out

Now that pissed me off. How dare
she think she has the right to insult
Vee like that?!

Although I can normally keep my cool, whenever it came to Vee I just couldn't keep it in.
I quickly hit Boscha in the nose causing a nose bleed.
She quickly fought back and drew a spell circle in the air, before
I had time to react I was sent flying into the air about 15 feet away.
I landed hard on my arm which fucking killed.
It felt broken and I honestly couldn't move, one because of the pain and two because of the shock.

I heard Boscha laughing at me as I started blankly at the floor still kneeling on my arm although it hurt.
I kept my cool until I heard Boscha say those words again "Your a pathetic worm, Vee, or should I say Number 5?"

My blood boiled, I finally looked up to see Boscha turned to face Vee who was in tears. Luz and the rest had gone to get a teacher which wasn't helpful.
The pain in my arm didn't stop but I raised my body up standing up.
I held my arm tightly as the pain kept coming.
I slowly walked behind Boscha, fortunately she hadn't heard me.
With my free arm I grabbed the back of her shirt pulling her towards me, I then wrapped my arm around her neck tightly.
My arm killed but I managed to use it to pull us both to the floor, I leant down to Boschas face was close to the floor, my arm still around her neck.

My anger had grown so big that even when I heard Boscha struggling for air i still wasnt satisfied.

I wanted To kill this bitch.

Boscha was strong I have to admit but I was stronger. My arm was firmly around her neck getting tighter every time I felt her struggle.
Vee was still stood in shock as well as everyone around us.
Soon enough her friends had came over to help her but I wasn't letting go for nothing, not until this bitch stopped breathing for good.
The head master suddenly rammed through the circle of people to see me and Boscha fighting for her life.


My eyes darted to were Vee was she looked scared, of me?

I quickly let get of Boscha and she gasped loudly for air as her friends ran over to her.
I few people grabbed me just incase I tried to go for her again.
I looked around frantically for my friends Vee especially but they had just vanished.
My eyes welled up as I realised what I had done.

I had just tried to kill Boscha..

Authors note:

Hey guys sorry for the wait I was thinking about quitting this book but I've realised that would be a dumb idea so here is the 4th chapter!
I really wish I could have had Masha completely kill Boscha but I know I can't do that 😭
Anyway See you in the next chapter

Words: 1265

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