Chapter 9: Boscha

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[The song that's attached reminds me of boscha, so I added it here. Also, since Dana hasn't confirmed who Boscha's parents are, im going to go with whatever I want, so don't come at me! Also, Boscha has a small crush on Amity, but it doesn't turn into anything, dw!!]

Boschas Pov:

My eyes fluttered open as the sound of my alarm went off.
I yawn and sit up. I hear my name being yelled, and I sigh quietly.

I shiver as I stand up and head downstairs
"Why didn't you answer me when I called?" My mother asked

"Oh, I thought I should just come down so you can tell me face to face, y'know?" I smiled cautiously

"That's not good enough, is it? When I call for you, I expect a response," my mother snapped

"Sorry, mom,"

"What have I said about you calling me that!" She raised her hand

"I'm sorry, I meant to say -" i stopped speaking as her hand collided with my cheek
I stumbled back and caught myself right before I fell

"You are such a disappointment," my father said as he stood from the couch

"Please, I'm sorry!" I yelped.

My father stepped closer as I stepped back. I hit the wall behind me and looked at him. My eyes were probably as red as my cheek.

"Sorry, isn't going to fix anything, is it?" he snapped

He walked over to me and slapped my hard on the same cheek, I felt my eyes tear up more. I desperately tried to stop them by squeezing my eyes shut.
I felt a hand grasp around my neck, which caused me to open my eyes immediately.

"You are such a filthy brat," he snapped, causing me to jump back. The tears started to form under my eyes, and this time, I knew there was no stopping it.

My father suddenly backed away and sent me to my room. They always did that when I started to cry..
I picked up my hand mirror and opened it, my face was bright red, I looked like Amity!
I sighed and grabbed my phone of the bedside table, I'll just take my anger out on some little goody two shoes who won't bother to do anything.
I clicked on the contact and started typing.


I slowly walked through the gates of hexide and saw Luz, Amity, Vee, Hunter, Gus, Willow, and Masha all stood under a tree looking pissed, apart from Vee
She looked to be trying to stop them from doing something.
I walked a little closer, yet I still couldn't fully hear them as they were quite awhile away.
Oh, whatever, I don't care. Honestly, I just want to meet up with Skara and the others. Walking to hexide on my own every day is getting annoying, I wish Amity was still walking with me. But now she has that other group of friends, I mean, I guess I'm kind of happy for her, but it hurts knowing she kinda replaced me.
I sighed quietly and started to walk to the hexide building while scrolling through Penstagram.
Once I reached where Luz and the rest were stood, I started to walk slower so I could hear what they were saying.

"Vee, what she said to you isn't acceptable!" Luz argued

"Yeah, she literally called you a freak! You can't let her get away with that. " Willow piped up

"I agree with them," Gus and Hunter said

"I'm gunna to beat her ass when I see her," that Masha girl said

My eyes widened a bit, Vee had told them? Shit! Now I'm gunna to have to fight one of them!

"Oh, there you are," Masha said, looking at me

"Oh hey?" I questioned putting my scroll away

"You got something to say?" They snapped

"No? I haven't done shit!" I yelled, although I knew what I had done

"So, no apology?" Luz asked

"I don't understand why you are mad at me," I said

"Don't play dumb." Masha grabbed me by the collar

Suddenly, I felt my legs give up as I was reminded of what had happened earlier that morning.
I plummeted to the floor as Masha quickly let go.
I felt tears flowing down my face quickly before I started to realise I couldn't breathe.

W-what the fuck is happening!
Am I dying?!
I can't breath!
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
This is how I die?
In front of everyone?

I felt myself being pulled up, I didn't look up, I couldn't.
The person sat me on a bench and slide down next to me.

"Breath just breath, it's gunns be ok, your not dying" the girl said,

I grabbed onto their shirt and leaned a litte over them, completely academically. I felt everyone watching me and that just made it worse

"Okay ready? Breath in" I followed the instructions and gasped for air

"Breath out" the girl whispered "breath in....breath out"

I felt my breath coming back to me and I slowly loosened my grip on their shirt.
After I had calmed down fully I noticed everyone else had gone inside, except Luz, Vee and Masha.
I sighed as it clicked in my mind who I was practically sat on.
I glanced up and locked eyes with Amity, god damn I knew it..

She looked quite pretty actually, the way the sun shone in such a way it looked like she was radiating maybe of beauty? Wait what!
What am I saying?!

I quickly stood up and dusted myself off.

"T-thank you" I stuttered before running into the building.

I decided I wasn't going to go to class, and I just ran to the bathroom and locked myself in there all day.
I only had the teachers I hated today anyway.
As I put the toilet lid down, I heard someone open the bathroom door. I quickly sat on the lid of the toilet and covered my mouth. Why did people only ever need to come in here when I'm in here!?

"Boscha? Is everything ok?" I heard Amity say while knocking softly on the stalls door

"Yeah, I'm fine," I whispered

"You sure? Although we aren't particularly friends anymore, I still care about you." She whispered back

"Thanks.. I just had a small panic attack. It's not a big deal. " I smiled, although she couldn't see

"That is a big deal, though." Amity said

"I'm okay, thank you for checking on me, Amity."

"No worries, Boscha. See you around." She said before walking out of the bathroom

Authors Note:

Yay this chapter isn't short! I thought I would give some information about Boscha and her Pov for a little while so I hope you like it! And thank you guys soooo much for 400+ reads! I can't believe this story actually Has 400+ reads, I appreciate it so much, thank you again and see you in the next one!

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