Chapter Twenty-Three

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A trail of dust follows me due to my heavy footsteps as I approach Hogsmeade's entrance. The crowd has grown significantly in the hour that I have been gone, but I am hoping Harry will still be in The Three Broomsticks. I shove my way through the plethora of people, trying to locate the restaurant. I also keep an eye out for Hermione, although I know I will not find her.

When I barge into The Three Broomsticks, there are many people seated. However, I don't see Harry, Ron, or the rest of their crew. I scan the room frantically. Madam Rosmerta walks over, eyeing me curiously.

"Can I help you?" She asks with a bit of edge to her voice.

"I'm looking for someone-" I stop talking as her eyes widen.

"Oh, no, I'm afraid you won't find anyone in here. Not a soul." She says nervously, pushing me out of the door.

"I believe I'm looking at plenty of souls, actually. Now can you help me find one?"

"I haven't the time for this! Far too busy... Lunch rush. We're understaffed."

"Have you seen Harry Potter?!" I yell, and the place silences. Madam Rosmerta looks exasperated.

"He just left, around fifteen minutes ago! Now does that answer your question?"

"Obviously," I turn around and exit the restaurant. The door slams harshly behind me.

Where would The Boy Who Lived go on his day off? I read each store sign until I realize that he and his entourage, which includes the food-loving Ronald Weasley, would be at Honeydukes. I walk into the candy shop and search for them once more. Finally, I see Ron's fiery red hair on the other side of the room by the pumpkin pasties. I run over to them.

"Harry!" I shout, breathless and he turns around, alarmed. He notices the worry and anger in my face and walks toward me.

"Did you find her?" He asks as Ron approaches behind him.

"No... No, I searched the whole castle. I used your fancy map and everything. I looked in our common room and in the, ah... Room of Requirement. Nothing." I explain, my heart aching with every word.

"Secret pathways and such? Did you check them?" Ron asks, his face waning.

"I checked everywhere Hermione knows of. Nothing. Not even a trace." As I say this, Ginny appears from behind me.

"What's going on?" She inquires, looking at each of us. She examines each of our expressions cautiously.

"Hermione's missing." I tell her, and Ron begins to speak.

"Well, I mean, maybe she was in the kitchen talking to the house elves, or maybe she is in one of these stores. Surely she has to be here somewhere."

"I told you! McGonagall and I have looked everywhere for her. She's not here! She's gone!" I exclaim, frustrated. I throw my hands up and I sigh exasperatedly before walking out.

Now I am, once again, pushing my way through the crowded street, but I am scanning for a different face: McGonagall. I meet almost every person's gaze as I search desperately for her. From a distance, I see Professor Flitwick looking around skeptically before entering The Three Broomsticks. I decide to follow him.

I catch up to him about a minute later; he is quite fast for such a small man. He is almost running up the stairs, and I stay behind him, careful to remain in the shadows. Finally, he reaches a door, and it opens upon his arrival. Before it closes, I slip inside quietly. Thankfully, no one notices me.

In this room, Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Minister of Magic, sits in a throne-like chair, with McGonagall beside him, twiddling her fingers nervously. I stand in the corner, behind a bookshelf that was conveniently not completely against the wall.

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