Chapter Ten

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"Hermione!" My eyes slowly open, revealing the face of Ginny Weasley above me. "Get up! We're going to Hogsmeade today!"

Hogsmeade. I had forgotten all about it. I hastily jump out of bed, my knees wobbling as I take my first few steps. Ginny rushes urgently across the room, gathering her things. The sun shines bright through the window, casting our shadows across the room. It seems to be a lovely day for a visit to Hogsmeade.

I clamber around the room, changing into my day clothes and brushing out my hair. My mind buzzes with a dream I had last night. At the thought of it, I can't help but smile.

But being Draco Malfoy's girlfriend can't be real. I'm going to see him, and everything that happened will just have been my imagination.

Sighing, I head out of the dormitory door just as Ginny did a couple of minutes ago. At the end of the stairs, I see that barely anyone is in the common room; even Ginny is gone. I must be very late.

I run through the common room door, maneuver through the corridors, and meander down the stairs until I finally reach the courtyard. Professor McGonagall is taking up permission forms from the last few younger students and letting us leave. I'm about to walk over to her when I realize that Draco doesn't know about Hogsmeade. If he did, he would have mentioned it at some point. He's probably still asleep in the common room.

Quickly, I turn around and make my way back up the stairs towards our common room. As I do, I run into Professor Bane, our Potions teacher. Professor Bane is the new teacher that I saw sitting at the High Table on the first day back at Hogwarts. He is probably twenty-five, much younger than any other Hogwarts professor. He's very polite, and also an exceptional teacher.

"Greetings, Miss Granger," He says, smiling politely.

"Hello, Professor," I answer.

"Aren't you going to Hogsmeade? It's a lovely day to be there, I daresay. I'm on my way myself." He inquires, and I nod my head.

"Yes, sir, but I seem to have forgotten something." I respond.

"Very well. Have a nice day." He says, bowing his head for a second by way of farewell. As nice as he may seem, I have always been skeptical of new teachers at Hogwarts. Who knows what Bane is capable of?

I brush those thoughts out of my head: Voldemort is gone. There's no need in worrying about the Dark Arts finding their way into Hogwarts again. I continue venturing towards Draco's and my common room.

Finally, I reach the door to the common room and draw the pattern, revealing the door. I go inside and begin searching for Draco. Just as I predicted, he is asleep on the couch. Since a fire is blazing in the fireplace, he doesn't have on a blanket or a shirt. His face is relaxed, and it makes him look even younger. I place my hand on his head, stroking his hair, despite my uncertainty of our relationship's standing.

Suddenly, he jerks, his face contorting into a look of agony. He grasps his left arm, and emits a cry of pain. I gasp and place my hands on the side of his face.

"Draco! Draco, wake up! It's just a dream! You're asleep," I yell, but he continues to writhe. I grab his hand, the one that's not gripping his arm. "Wake up!"

Finally, he shudders. His gray eyes pop open, and he sits up. For a few seconds, he looks around frantically, as if looking for someone. But when he sees me, his face and posture relaxes.

"Hermione," He sighs, wrapping me in his embrace. I hug him back, alarmed, and I can feel how fast his heart is beating.

"Draco," I respond, "what happened?" He pulls back and looks at me straight in my eyes, leaving just a hand on my shoulder. A slight smile emerges at the edge of his lips.

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