Chapter Twelve

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As I walk back to the castle from Care of Magical Creatures- which took place at Hagrid's hut today- it begins to rain. My classes are over for today, so I have the rest of the day to myself- with Hermione, of course.

The last couple of nights, with the help of the potion Madam Pomfrey gave me, I haven't had any nightmares. I haven't had any regular dreams either; but as long as the nightmares are gone, I'm completely fine with that.

I am jostled around by my classmates as we reach the door to the castle. Of course, none of them apologize. I'm practically invisible to them. But as I finally emerge into entrance hall, someone slaps a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Draco," Clara, my neighbor at my apartment, greets me.

"Hello," I respond, "Haven't heard from you for a while."

"Yes, I know. I suppose your Head Boy life keeps you busy." She jokes. She is significantly shorter than I am, so when she speaks, she has to look up at me.

"Sure, you could say that." I answer. We both jog up the stairs. For a while, neither of us say anything. We reach the wall where my common room resides, and I'm about to tell her that I have to go before she stops me.

"Hey, Draco?" She asks, moving to stand in front of me.


"I was wondering if you would like to take a walk around the grounds tonight?" She doesn't stutter or even show any signs of nervousness, which reveals her confidence.

Clara likes me? I never even noticed. And the feeling could never be requited; I've got Hermione. Beautiful, intelligent, sweet Hermione. And even if I didn't, Clara has always been slightly obnoxious. I just didn't notice that when she was the only friend I had.

I slowly shake my head, responding, "No, Clara, I've... got plans. I'm sorry."

She clasps her hands in front of her face and does a tiny hop. "That's okay! Don't worry about it! Goodbye!" Her voice was unusually high, and she scurries away, and I can't help but be reminded of a mouse. That was strange.

Shaking my head as if I can shake that whole incident out of it, I draw the pattern on the wall and the door appears. I step inside, expecting to see Hermione, but she is not in here. It's ten minutes past the time that we regularly meet. I sit down on the couch and pick up my book.

This book, Everlasting, is a sequel to the one I finished last week, Perpetual. It's very interesting and informative, despite the fact that it's a fictional book. I am so submerged in the book that it is not until forty-five minutes later that I realize Hermione has still not arrived.

I close my book and place it back on the table where it was originally placed. Should I go look for her? Maybe she's in trouble. Or maybe she's going to avoid me again, just like the last time this happened. I decide to search for her, putting my shoes back on and leaving the room.

* * *


For the first time since last week, I am on my way to the library. There is an abundance of books in the Head Girl's and Boy's common room, but none on the particular subject that I am searching for.

I was supposed to meet Draco in the common room after classes ended, but I'm sure he can wait a few minutes. He knows my feelings toward the library anyway.

What I'm looking for is a book on Erickson Elias the Extraordinary for an essay in History of Magic. He was the wizard who created the spell Accio- which has been of such great use to wizards and witches since its creation- and many more of the common charms that we use today.

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