Chapter Fourteen

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The door slams shut as I run to him. My knees buckle and I collapse at his side, a jolt of pain coursing through my body, but it's nothing compared to the feeling I get when I look at him. It feels as if there is something tied around my heart, and with every detail I notice, it gets tighter, making it hard to breathe.

He is exceedingly pallid with a slight purplish tint to his face. Blood surrounds him, soaking his shirt and the ground around him. The source, I realize, is his left arm. There is a huge gash that takes up most of his forearm. Tears blur my vision. I lean over him, frantically looking for a sign of consciousness, when he coughs.

"Hermione," He cries, his voice and breathing raspy. His chest rises and falls with great effort. We're face to face now. He barely opens his eyes; they are bloodshot, making the gray-blue stand out even more.

"Draco," I say, my voice cracking. I realize that he's crying. "I'm here, Draco, you're okay. Everything is going to be okay. I'll stay with you, I swear. I swear, I won't leave you." I gently push his hair off of his forehead, trying to think of what to do. My wand is in the common room- who would've thought that I would need it tonight?- so I cannot magically transport him to the hospital wing.

While I think of solutions, Draco seems to be getting worse. His breathing is now sputtery and infrequent, which affects my own. With every second, he becomes more distant. Until finally, he looks at me. Looks, but doesn't see.

"No!" I scream, cupping his face in my hands, "Don't leave me!"

It feels like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. I do the only obvious thing: with my shaking hands, I slowly pick him up, draping his hurt arm over my shoulder. Normally, I wouldn't be able to do this, but my determination to save him has unveiled a new strength that I've never known. I push the door open and stumble out, my feet clumsily stumbling beneath me.

And, with a feeling of great- but not total- relief, I realize that it is not only my heart that I feel beating, but Draco's as well. This inspires me to speed up.

As I run, I keep my eyes on Draco. So far, the only positive thing is his heartbeat- nothing else has changed. He's still just as pale. When I look down, I realize that my dress is covered in his blood.

"Hang in there," I whisper to him, "We're almost there." I wonder if he can hear me.

A minute later, we finally reach the hospital wing. I struggle the doors open and rush inside.

"Madam Pomfrey!" I shout, causing her to jump. There is a loud clatter as she drops a potion vial.

"Good heavens, dear," She exclaims, and I think I'm going to get scolded until I see her eyes widen. Obviously, she has noticed Draco, and the trail of blood he is leaving. Immediately, she emits a small squeal and scuffles toward me.

"What happened?" She asks frantically, taking Draco and putting him on the hospital bed. He's almost the same color as the white sheets.

"I-I don't know, I just f-found him in the Room of Requirement." I'm beside him now, sitting on my knees on the ground surrounding the bed. He shows no emotion as she assesses his injury, so I am assured that he is out cold. The look of concern she has on her face makes me uneasy.

"Stay with him," She instructs me, scuttling to her medicinal supply room.

"Always," I respond, grabbing his hand.

Clinking and crashing is coming from the room where Madam Pomfrey is, but I don't look back at her. My eyes are glued on Draco and my mind on his well-being. I wish that I could tell myself that he's going to be okay, but I don't know if it's true. Madam Pomfrey rushes back to us, a flask in one hand and a bandage in the other.

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