Chapter Seven

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Isn't it funny that no matter what I do, someone always ends up angry with me?

Ambrosia is glaring at me from across the Charms classroom. I offer her a measly wave, and she rolls her eyes, turning to talk to Parvati Patil, who's sitting beside her.

"Don't worry about it, Hermione," Harry says, referring to the cold shoulder Ambrosia is giving me.

She hadn't taken the fact of Draco and my new friendship very well. In fact, she attempted to hex me immediately after I told her. Thankfully, I dodged it and disarmed her, running to Draco's and my common room. All of this occurred last night, two days after Draco and I made up.

And speaking of people who are mad at me, Ron- who's currently sitting on Harry's other side- and I still haven't talked. I expected Harry to at least force us into a small conversation by now, but he's being quite respective of our space.

"Your homework for tonight is to write an essay- only two rolls of parchment- on the profound difference between a jinx and a hex," Professor Flitwick announced from his desk at the front of the classroom, "You are dismissed."

Everyone abruptly rises from their seat, including Harry, Ron, and me. Using the Pack spell, I gather my things, placing my book-bag on my back.

"What are you doing tonight?" Harry asks me. It is the last class of the day.

"I... Um, well, nothing much," I lie. The truth is, I'm going to the Head Boy and Girl common room, hoping that Draco will be there. He doesn't need to be alone right now.

"You can come watch Quidditch practice if you'd like," He inquires, and I shake my head.

"It's raining. I'd rather not sit out there," I explain, looking at the ceiling as we walk into the corridor.

Harry really has been quite sweet since Ron and I got mad at each other. He's made sure I'm not alone, that I always have something to do. I wish I could tell him he doesn't have to do that anymore, because I'll probably be spending most of my off-time with Draco, making sure he's not lonely.

"That's alright," Harry says, "Ron and I have got to go to practice. I'll see you in a bit." I wave at him, putting a fake smile on my face. As soon as they're out of sight, I begin heading to the Head Girl's and Boy's common room. If Draco is in there, it wouldn't surprise me at all; he spends most of his time in there anyway.

I feel a slight tug on the back of my robes. When I turn around to see who it is, I realize it's a tiny first year, his eyes bright.

"Hello, Hermione," He exclaims, and I smile, bending down to get on eye level with him, "What do I do now?" You would've thought that by more than a week of school, he would've caught on.

"You can do anything you want. Homework, explore the grounds- but don't go in that forest, mind you. Just walk around. Whatever you'd like, as long as it's within school regulations."

He grins and thanks me, holding out a hand for me to shake. I do, and I turn around and start venturing toward the common room again. Finally, I reach the door and lazily draw the pattern on the wall. As usual, the door appears, and I walk inside, setting my book-bag down on the desk.

"Greetings," Draco says, smiling, watching me as I come to sit down.

"Good afternoon," I respond, sitting on the golden love-seat beside the couch.

"And how are you on this fine day?" He smirks, a gesture that enhances his every feature. It's not a fine day, and he knows it; it's raining outside and dull inside.

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