Chapter Twenty-Nine

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There is a single square window at the top of this cell, around twelve feet up from the ground. I have learned that, through this window, things can come in, but nothing can come out. Rain pours down from it, creating a delicate sound as it ventures down the wall. The sound would be quite relaxing if I was anywhere but here. Now it just dampens the stone floor of my cell, as it dampens my mood as well... which is already as bad as it can get.

My eyes yearn to look at something less dismal than what they have seen the past few days: piles of moldy food stacked against the wall, the occasional skeletal hand reaching through the bars, the brush of a tattered cloak passing by my cell. It's incredibly lonely here, the perfect punishment for a criminal. Send them into a room alone for days to dwell on what they have done. The only problem is that I haven't done anything wrong, so it leaves me to dwell on other things.

I need to see Draco again, before the Dementors find out that I am not supposed to be here. I won't have long after that. How could I even manage to let anyone know I'm here? There's no owl post here, no muggle telephones, and Dementors cannot understand human speech. So, there's no way to contact anyone, and I can't tell the Dementors that I'm innocent. This isn't fair at all... Wasn't I supposed to get a trial?

I lay down on the cold, damp floor, wondering how my life got to this point. Things had been going so well. Voldemort had finally been defeated, I was Head Girl at Hogwarts, and Draco was my boyfriend. It had been like a dream.

My eyes start to close; I haven't slept in days. I try to allow myself to drift off, but when I close my eyes, I can only think of Draco. All of my other problems disappear, and nothing matters but when I'm going to see him again. I miss his platinum hair, his icy eyes, his pale skin. I miss the way he looked at me, and the way he said my name. It's almost as if I can hear his sweet voice now.

"Hermione," He calls to me in my mind. His voice sounds sad, and I can imagine the tears falling swiftly down his face. He says my name again. I never knew my imagination could make impossible things sound so real. I open my eyes to end the torture of hearing his voice. It's unreal how much I miss him, and his voice in my mind is driving me insane.

"Please..." His voice pleads. I try to think of other things, but his voice is still here. Nothing allows me to push the thought of him out of my mind; in fact, he's slowly becoming more and more tangible. A couple of minutes later, I can still hear him. Why can't this stop? I sit up, trying to distract myself by looking at the carvings on the wall.

"Oh, thank God, you're alive." His voice says. It seems too real to be imagined anymore. I muster the strength to stand up and walk around, inspecting every corner in the cell, searching for him. "Up, Hermione. Look up." I follow his instructions, and my heart skips a beat. He is there. His face is visible through the window.

"Draco, are you really here? Is that you?" I ask, my voice trembling. For the first time in a while, I allow myself to get my hopes up.

"Yes, Hermione. It's me," He smiles his glorious smile that I've missed so much, but it disappears after just a moment. His tone changes when he says, "We've got to hurry. We don't have much time."

He throws one leg over the windowsill, followed by the other. His blonde hair is soaking wet, and his pale bare skin glistens with raindrops. He's been in the rain for quite a while; I can't believe he would do that for me.

"I'm going to jump. Watch out." He warns me, preparing to make the twelve foot drop. I try to stop him, but before I know it, he's already falling. I refuse to let him hit the cold stone floor. I rush to catch him, but I far underestimated my strength; we tumble to the floor together.

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