Chapter Three

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The sun shines into my eyes as a wake up call. I throw my legs over the bed and stretch out my arms. Within five minutes, I am dressed and groomed, ready to head down to the first breakfast of the year. I leave the dormitory and enter the common room where everyone is conversing. I wave at Harry, Ron, and Ginny as I slowly walk down the stairs. I'm still a bit groggy.

"Good morning, Hermione!" Ron exclaims, kissing my cheek. I smile at him.

"I'm heading down to breakfast," I tell them, "Do any of you want to come with me?" Ron and Harry nod their heads, but Ginny says she's going to go back to the dormitory to get situated and she'll meet up with us.

Harry, Ron, and I step through the portrait hole and into the corridor. Ron and I walk hand-in-hand.

"How do you like being Head Girl?" Harry asks me. I look to make sure the badge is on my chest, and it is.

"I like it. It's very fascinating. And we get our own common room, and-" I begin, but Ron cuts me off.

"Who's we?" He asks.

"Well, Malfoy and I-"

"You and Malfoy get your own common room?! That's insane! I mean, I could possibly be more lenient about it if it was someone else, but it's Malfoy!" He shouts too loudly.

"Ron, he's not as bad as you think." I answer calmly.

It's true. I thought that spending time with Malfoy would be complete torture, but he hasn't insulted me once. He's actually quite agreeable and sometimes funny. It's funny how my opinion of him has changed in less than a day.

However, I find it hard to believe that he has changed. Sure, there's a behavioral difference, but that doesn't take away what he's always been. It's hard for a person to stray from the path they've been led down all of their life.

"Not as bad as you think?!" Ron mocks. "He's Malfoy! The despicable, terrible, evil-" Ron rambles on with a bunch of nasty adjectives, and as he does, Harry and I talk.

"I know what Ron means, Hermione. He is Malfoy, the boy who called you a, well, Mudblood multiple times. He's never treated any of us kindly." Harry says.

"Harry, that's not what you thought when you saved his life. You must think at least a little well of him, or you wouldn't have done it. He would be dead." I retort. Harry purses his lips, trying to think of a retaliation.

After a short hesitation, Harry replies, "You know, I suppose you're right, Hermione. Everyone deserves a chance. It's just going to be hard to try and erase everything that he's done. But if you, of all people, say he's changed, then it has to be true."

Beside us, Ron just finished listing words to describe Malfoy. He seems out of breath.

"Ron, let it go." Harry tells him. Ron opens his mouth to reply, but he shuts it.

"You know," I begin, trying to change the subject, "Aberforth Dumbledore is our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"Really?" Harry asks, shocked, "Well, that should be interesting."

"I know. I can hardly picture him as a teacher. Especially here. I didn't think he wanted much to do with Hogwarts."

"I can only imagine what class will be like." Ron scoffs.

We talk about Aberforth until we reach the Great Hall. We walk inside and sit down at the Gryffindor table. Random students wave at me, wanting to get in good with the Head Girl I suppose. I smile and wave back at them.

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