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The Hogwarts Express lingers over me for the last time. Draco, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and I board the train in silence. There have been a few tears shed today, considering that our last year at Hogwarts has come to a close. Harry cried as he hugged Hagrid, and I cried as I returned my final book to the library. Draco and Ron didn't shed any tears, but were upset nonetheless. Ginny still has one more year left at Hogwarts.

We pick the compartment at the back of the train. Everyone sits down except for me; I'm still the Head Girl, if only for a couple more hours, and I have duties.

"I'm going to check on the students to make sure everyone is here," I announce, my voice slightly muffled from crying earlier. They all nod, and I turn to Draco. "Aren't you going to come? You are still the Head Boy after all."

"No, thanks. I'm not feeling particularly sociable today," He answers, not making eye contact with me. Draco has been acting strange for the past couple of days, but whenever I ask him what's wrong, he avoids the question. I have narrowed the possibilities down to one thing: the future, in regards to us, is very uncertain. We don't have any plans on how to stay together once we part ways today.

I step out of the compartment, shaking the uneasy thoughts out of my mind. Proudly, I secure the Head Girl lapel onto my chest and enter the compartment across from ours. The first years- second years, now- look up at me excitedly.

"How was your last year at Hogwarts, Hermione?" Amber, the only one whose name I remember, asks. I saw her in the library frequently.

"It was... good. It had its ups and downs, but it always has," I smile nostalgically, "Is everyone here?" Each one of them count on their fingers to account for each of their friends.

"Yes, we're all here."

Amber speaks up once again, "What are you going to do now?"

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't know?" I answer. And I was trying not to think about it. Thanks.

I close the door and head to the next compartment. Yaxley is the only student in there. As much as I don't want to, I step inside. Earlier this year, his compartment had been filled with his many friends. Now, he sits alone with his head in his hands. He hasn't even noticed that I entered the compartment.

"Where did all of your friends go?" I ask, trying to be cordial. He sits up, startled.

"What friends?" He snaps, rolling his eyes, "After you told everyone what I did, no one has wanted to talk to me since. Apparently, they all love you."

"Don't blame it on me. You made that choice, and choices always come with consequences. And I can guarantee you that most of the time, they're not worth it."

"Leave me alone." He spits, his eyes like daggers.

"Look, you don't have to be the bad guy. Obviously, being bad doesn't make you good; it makes you bad. But being good, nice, caring? That's what will fill this compartment up again." I put my hand on the door to slide it open, but he says something in a voice so small that I finally feel like I'm talking to a child instead of a criminal.

"I don't have a choice."

"There's always a choice. I know a boy who made all the wrong choices because he thought he didn't have one, either; but he changed his ways, and things have gotten so much better for him."

"I don't believe you." He stares out of the window, his face now emotionless.

"You don't have to," I slide the door open and turn back to him, his black eyes meeting with mine, "I forgive you." I close the door.

Bad Blood: A Dramione FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now