Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(Warning: This chapter is pretty dark.)

"I've been expecting you." My father smirks. My heart beats rapidly as we both glare at the other, our ice gray eyes a mirror of each other. However, my eyes are full of fear, while his are full of pleasure: his plan worked. He knew that Hermione is what it would take to get me here.

I try to get up, but it is to no avail. No matter how hard I try, I cannot move. This is definitely a limb-locking spell performed on me by my father. He laughs at my frivolous attempts to move.

"Oh, you won't be moving for a while. Don't waste your breath. You don't have many of them left." He laughs mirthlessly, looking at me up and down.

"W-What did you do to her?!" My voice demands an answer through my gritted teeth. He ignores my question.

"Those scratches on your arms- they're from the bushes out front, aren't they? You were spying. And this?" He points to the scar that he left on my arm, smiling. "I think I did a nice job. What about you?"

All of a sudden, an idea comes to my mind: I can Apparate out of here, whether my limbs are frozen in place or not, as long as my wand is with me. I block my father's voice out of my mind and close my eyes, concentrating on the diner I was at this morning. My father continues to taunt me as I try to Apparate away from here. His laugh suddenly breaks through my concentration as he continues to speak. I open my eyes to see him holding my wand.

"I don't think you'll be going anywhere without this," He places it in his pocket, and my stomach drops. That was my last hope. What happens from here is up to him. He certainly won't have mercy on me. I can only hope that he has mercy on Hermione, if she's not already gone. He continues, "or without my help." With that, he touches my arm, and the familiar feeling of Apparation falls over me. Where could he be taking me?

We abruptly fall onto the ground in a room that I recognize instantly as the living room. The confused house elf is stumbling around, curious as to what had happened to it. The first thought that comes to my mind is Hermione. Is she still in here? I shift my gaze to the side, but I cannot see much of anything from there. As much as I want to turn my head to see if she is here, the spell my father cast on me prohibits any movement... However, when I just thought about looking over there, my head turned ever so slightly. If I think harder,  I can completely turn my head.

Concentrate, Draco, I tell myself, Ignore your father talking to that stupid elf. Concentrate. Finally, just my head breaks loose of the spell, and I can look around the room.

What awaits me both comforts me and terrifies me. Hermione is still there, laying on the ground. There is only one difference than when I saw her just a few minutes ago: she is not breathing now. My heart stops, and I hear a ringing in my ears. Hermione can't be gone. Hermione has to be alive. Without her, I am just a shell of a man. So many thoughts race through my head at the speed of light.

My voice catches in my throat as I cry, "NO!" Tears begin to blur my vision. I can't seem to take my eyes off of the corpse of the only person I have ever truly loved, and the only person who has ever truly loved me.

"What are you yelling about, boy?" My father asks, agitated, "You're going to make your mother come up here!"

"You killed her!"  I yell, my eyes still glued to her beautiful, lifeless face, "You killed her, you monster!"

He  looks shocked for a second, but his face relaxes as he begins to laugh. "You think I'm that heartless? To kill her before you were here to watch?" He pulls out my wand once again and points it at Hermione. "Riddikulus! You bloody elf. I thought I told you to get rid of all of the boggarts!" The elf continues to stumble around, still in a state of confusion from the curse. When I look back, Hermione is gone. It was a boggart. She's not really dead. This thought fills me with great joy that disappears as quickly as it appeared.

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