It doesn't even matter how hard you try |🔞 Vegas/Pete

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Please read at your own risk, this is a pure fiction. Mature content ahead.



Vegas was in jail. Because of him. Because of the love of his life, that provoked him, tortured him and forced him to do these things. He never realized that Pete was capable of things like this. Manipulating him, betraying him, forcing him, pushing him to the edge.

The cell was simple, two bunk beds, three other cellmates, looking all friendly and shit. "Oooh, you are the one that kidnapped and raped the celebrity." One of his cellmates walked towards Vegas to welcome him.

"If I say that I am innocent and he all planned this?" Vegas chuckled and looked at the last empty bed in the cell. "Then I would say that you are completely delusional." The other cellmate laughed. "There is no way for this celebrity to plan all this and force you to kidnap and rape him." The three of them started to laugh their asses off. Vegas frowned and sat on the bed.

"Did you enjoy to fuck his tiny ass?" .. "He must have been so good, screaming in pain, shouting your name." His cellmates tried to provoke him only to see if he would be another pawn in their mind games, but Vegas unbiasedly looked at the bottom of the bed above him, counting the screws on the bed structure.

Vegas completely ignored them talking shit about the things that happened. They don't know Pete.

The real Pete.

Vegas was left alone, only his thoughts accompanying him. The more time he had to think about all these things the more he realized how wicked Pete really was. Not only did he hurt him by leaving, but he planned to break him into pieces. Of course, his plan succeeded.

Pete was walking outside freely and Vegas was stuck here, in this small cell with those annoying fuckers still blabbering shit that they knew nothing about.

Time went by. Days turned into months, Vegas got used to the everyday routine. Wake up, freshen up, wait for breakfast, one hour of free time; he either spent it outside or in the gym, work, lunch, work or school, 90 minutes of free time, dinner and he was again locked in the cell.

Vegas was honestly surprised that they had a school here, he never realized that you can finish your degree if you are in jail. He had his degree, so he did not need school at all. With work the time flew by much faster. Vegas was worried that if he would focus on something else he would go crazy. Everyday routine was great, but not for your mental health. Thanks to the gym here he was able to stay sane, focusing his mind on revenge.

Revenge that he had a lot of time to think about and of course plan properly.

Months changed into years. Vegas was locked down for 7 years already. The guards knew him well. He secretly got to spend more time outside, working his ass off. Even his meals were much better than before. Good work pays off.

"Mr. Vegas, there is a slight chance of you getting out earlier." His lawyer sat in front of him, handing him papers. "But I still have something a little over 7 years to serve." The lawyer laughed. "If you agree to certain conditions, you can leave within the next 6 months." There was this really surprised expression on Vegas' face. "What are the conditions then?" The lawyer pointed his finger on the bottom side of the papers he handed him earlier.

"Are you crazy? I can leave this hell hole within the next 6 months only if I will go to therapy sessions once a week for 7 years straight and do some volunteer work for 3 years?" There was a hint of disgust on Vegas' face. "Who will be the therapist?"

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