Abandoned seashell | Vegas/Pete 🔞

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You can read it as part two of 'No third chances', however you don't have to.

I wrote it within a week and honestly I had to cut out a few parts, because it made me feel too depressed and too dark. I was reading it over and over again and I am still not satisfied with the story ending, but there is no happy ending.

TW: drugs, attempted suicide, alcohol.

If you are not feeling comfortable reading it, please do not continue.


Vegas was always top of the class, no matter the subject. He excelled in everything and his father was somewhat proud of him, but still he was beaten and terrorized with different threats.

Not until a new boy showed up to his school.

His bright smile and dimples made his heart flutter, but he is Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakul a man without his emotions, someone who never thought that his heart is actually going to skip a beat because of someone so low; basically no one.

As the boy sat right next to him he felt that amazingly strong vibe that made him almost smile at him, but he held his head low, trying to pay as little attention as possible, the only thing he noticed was how his new seatmate loved to doodle, every piece of blank space was filled with his drawings, either cute or depressed ones, but still he liked it.

On the other hand, one thing was really concerning and that was how his classmate's eyes sparkled, because Vegas knew that Porsche was no good, often jealous and getting involved in all kinds of things that Vegas particularly hated but never said no to.

Pete was a pretty nice seatmate, he was not bothering him, talking to him nor touching him. They exchanged looks from time to time, but that was all.

Only after he almost got beaten to death because his father caught him smoking with Porsche he noticed how kind Pete was. Pete was not a nosy guy, he didn't care why Vegas was not at school and he still prepared spare notes for him and even the way he was always doing them himself. Kinn was honestly surprised too, because Pete was straightforward and some stupid remarks or comments didn't bother him at all. Pete had his own world and Vegas felt the urge to be part of that world, but unfortunately for him it was Porsche who got involved in Pete's life and used him to gain everything he could from it.

This was the time that Vegas got a bit jealous, as every time he spoke with his cousin they mainly spoke about business and school. After those topics were finished Kinn kept scrolling through his phone, checking Pete's social media and tried to trace every step of his. Following him everywhere.

Kinn managed to find out what Pete likes, what he does not like, what his hobbies are and even a favorite color and without any intention he passed all this information to him and Vegas decided to use it to his gain. He started to be more attentive towards Pete, even though he pretended like he was not.

When Vegas was finally back at school, the first thing he did was to sit in his place, trying to go through the notes Pete gave him. When he noticed how Porsche and Pete came almost hand in hand to the classroom, completely ignoring his presence. Until the bell rang. Vegas finally felt the familiar scent and the calming he missed for the time he was not around.

"Thanks.." Vegas hummed and Pete almost choked on the water he was drinking.

"For the notes?" He asked Vegas like he had more things he wanted to say thanks for, but without any unnecessary comment Vegas nodded.

Vegas tried to find some topic to talk about with Pete, but he had no damn idea how to start a conversation without that stupid blush on his cheeks. Instead he gave light innocent touches to Pete, he was watching him doodle on his papers, he even watched how Porsche tried to steal Pete away from him. How he was talking all the nonsense of what he and Vegas did, but Pete didn't care. He gave a gentle glance towards Vegas every time he felt the urge to and Vegas was not complaining, accepting it with lowered eyes and a small stupid smile on his face.

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