I want to hear it again |🔞 Vegas/Pete

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Another short story created in my times of desperation and a slight depression.

No beta reading, all mistakes are my own.


Pete felt Vegas touch all over his body, the aching pain inside him made him go almost crazy. His head tilted back, throbbing dick in his palm and Pete was stroking up and down, up and down. He kept seeking pleasure that only Vegas can give him, but Vegas had him as a one time fuck and Pete could do shit about it.

It would be so pathetic for Pete to call Vegas a day after he said his bye, but he could not help it. Pete grabbed the phone and dialed his number.

"The number is no longer existing, please check again."

"Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me." Pete hummed nervously and tried it again.

"The number is no longer existing, please check again."

Pete tried it so many times but the message was still the same. He smashed his body into the bedding and sighed so loud that his neighbor might have heard it.

It has been six months since Pete could not contact Vegas, it has been six months for Pete to quietly masturbate with thoughts on Vegas' touch. How the fingers trailed his body curves, how his lips left those tiny marks on his body, how wet trails of Vegas' saliva dried on his skin, how the taste of Vegas' cum lingered on his tongue. The burning sensation exploding inside him after hours of torture and being pushed to the edge.

There must be no fucking way for Vegas to forget this, how Pete allowed him everything and how he tried even more. Hitting every nerve in his body, pulling every string not even a single piece of skin was left untouched; and yet it was a simple one night stand.

If Pete knew before, he would never agree to something like this. He would choose his sexual partner more carefully, he would listen to his friends warning. But no, Pete needs to be this stubborn weirdo that got caught in his sweet lies, touches and kisses.

"Get out of the bed, we are going to party tonight." Porsche shouted at Pete through the locked door of his bedroom. Pete had enough of Porsche entering his home every day for the past six months and calling him out for a party. He still needs to study and sometimes work night shifts at a gas station nearby.

"Not going to happen, I need to study, there is a test on Friday and I cannot fail otherwise my mother will beat the shit out of me." Pete shouted back and threw a shoe towards the door.

"Come on, it's still seven days till the test, get your ass off the room and come with me for a drink or two." Porsche kept pleading and something inside Pete's head made him think about it for a second or two.

"Okay, fine... whatever.." Pete huffed angrily, he knew that Porsche would not stop bothering him for the rest of the night and Pete deserved to have his brain shut at least for one night in those past six months of having him inside his head, unable to focus on anything else.

"That's a spirit. Kinn is coming too." Pete heard how Porsche lowered his voice on purpose, because Pete hated Kinn. Pete hated Kinn more than he hated Vegas at this very moment. Kinn was this rich spoiled brat that thought everyone would fall to his feet and beg him for money, but not Pete. Pete managed to punch him in the face and beat his three bodyguards just because he heard how he bad-mouthed his best friend and at the end they started to date and Pete had to put up with that Porschefucker.

The fact that Porsche had a relationship with someone who Pete hated from the bottom of his heart made him sick, but Porsche was his best friend and he promised that he would behave; fingers crossed behind his back might work as an excuse in case something happened.

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