Tears | Vegas/Pete

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Another story that was partially pulled out of context from another story that I have written a while ago but decided not to publish because my life's already depressing enough.

No beta reading, all mistakes are my own.

Enjoy reading.


Pete was sitting there, so many hours passed and he allowed the rain to soak him wet. Rain mixed together with his tears. He was there alone. Just him no one else was by his side, he had only one person left to protect, because the one that Pete wanted to protect the most decided to die instead of him.

Vegas gave him and their son freedom.

"Khun Pete.." Nop whispered from behind, "Venice is waiting for you."

"I'll come to see you again, love." Pete whispered gently, touching the tombstone. Putting on black glasses and leaving the cemetery.

"Papa.." Venice sobbed. "I was worried.." The only thing that Venice received was a hug from soaked Pete.

"I am sorry, baby.." Pete apologized to him, he thought that he could save him, but unfortunately he couldn't.

"Papa.." Venice mumbled quietly. "I know who tried to kill daddy.."

"How could you know, baby?"

"I was there, he looked into my eyes and winked.."

Pete pushed himself a bit backwards. "What do you mean he looked into your eyes and winked?"

"He was there with uncle Porsche, the man winked at me before he shot daddy.."

It was just too weird to be true. What would Porsche do at the same place as Pete was in? It was just too bad of a coincidence.

"Are you sure about it?" Pete had to ask again, because it was hard to believe a kid who just turned seven. Also Venice had a really good imagination. But when Pete saw the firm look on Venice's face, he pulled out his phone. "If I show you a photo, will you be able to tell me if it was any of the people in the photo?"

Venice was not sure but he nodded and looked at the photo. He was scanning the people there. Uncle Tankhun, Uncle Arm, Uncle Pol, Uncle Porsche, Ken, Big, Uncle Kinn, both grandfathers were there, Hia Macau and Hia Chay too.

"Who is that, papa?" He pointed to a pale looking face of a man that was a bit blurred. "Do you have a better photo of him?" Venice tried to zoom in, but the quality was even worse.

Pete remembered the times that Porsche drew the photo of Tawan and he almost died from laughter. "Uncle Porsche drew him once, but I am not sure where the portrait is." Pete joked and a small smile appeared on his face.

"He then pulled Vegas' old phone from the back of the seat. "Your daddy always had a back up phone, in case everything would go to vain." Pete explained and winked. The smile was still there, looking through all the memories that were captured on the phone.

Venice wanted to see too, but Pete had to push his head away, he couldn't allow a kid to see that damn photo porn Vegas took one time. As the blush on his face was slowly fading, he finally found the photo he wanted.

Pete turned the phone towards Venice and his face turned pale. "Papa..." Venice could only blabber, unable to say more, but Pete didn't need to know more. He looked to the front to check Nop's face. It was pale but calm and it took only one nod as a signal for Nop to start driving.

Pete's hatred escalated to a complete new level.

"I need you to stay in the car. Papa will be with you as soon as possible." Pete hummed when they stopped in front of the main family mansion. "Nop, in case anything happens, you know what to do. Passports and money are in the trunk, but for now don't wait for me, just drive to a safe house, I'll meet you there."

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