Your eyes already told me what you never said🔞 BBB

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Please read at your own risk!


Have you ever felt useless? Good for nothing? Always messing up everything?

Believe me, you are not the only one. This was my whole life. I was listening to this kind of thing on a daily basis. My father was always against me, preferring my little sister over me. I had to fight for any kind of attention, and that made me like this. Arrogant, cruel, rude, frank and mainly evil.

I couldn't care less about anyone around me and I was all the time alone, as everyone that tried to talk with me could not handle it at all. I made sure that everyone knew what I was thinking about them.

They were no one compared to me. Even though I was made like this by my father I felt that something inside me was missing. This one single piece of me and I had to look for it no matter what.

At the moment I was having my lecture, listening to the teacher mumbling nonsense about gangs in Thailand. Like who gives a damn about them right? They were able to do whatever they wanted. Not like us, the normal people living from paycheck to paycheck. They were able to pay for an attorney that would serve the purpose and make them innocent no matter what.

It is all over the television my drunk father keeps watching.

As my phone buzzed and I unlocked the screen I immediately felt a bit calmer.

"Tonight, club? Let's go and have some fun."

This message could not be better, I quickly typed "YES!!" and placed the phone back in my pocket. I don't care that it is only Wednesday. I need to go to my dance practice right after this class ends and then hurry home to take care of the house.

My usual routine was school, dance practice, going home to cook lunch for my sister and father, and preparing for my work, because I need to keep my standard. My sister is having the benefit of being loved, because it's me that gets beaten by father from time to time, only to make sure that I remember who is "the head of the family here" and then it is my time.

Only thanks to my work activities I am able to afford the school I am attending and all the dance practices I am having. As my father keeps buying only alcohol. I need to spend my hardly made money on groceries too. Even though our neighbors are kind and help us out from time to time mainly with Peach, as she turned 16 last month she is unstoppable. However I am still glad that she is covering up for me, when my father remembers that he has a son in his drunk state.

I could finally hear the lovely ringing, I quickly packed my stuff and walked swiftly towards the door of the classroom

"Mr. Puttha, off to somewhere?" The teacher said with an unreadable voice tone.

"Dance practice as always, sir." I tried to sound polite and not annoyed, because every time I have a class with this guy it annoys me. He is acting like he is the superior.

"I still did not finish my lesson, young man. Please go back to your seat." The tone of his voice turned into a stricter one.

"Sir, with all due respect. I don't care anymore. The bell rang and I am running late." I looked at him back, his face was looking speechless. "I am looking forward to your lesson on Friday." I mumbled, opened the door and walked a bit faster towards the lockers, where I grabbed my bag with clothes for the practice and ran from the school.

As I reached the gym I noticed that it is no longer me and the coach, but another guy. I quickly changed my clothes. As I grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it up I felt that someone was watching me. I pulled the shirt over my head, folded it and placed it on a side.

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