But you are mine! | Vegas/Pete

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Hey, this story was created in my times of desperation, because I had restless night because of her fear of flies or any other flying insects.

No beta reading, all mistakes are my own.

Tw: death


"I will fucking kill you, Vegas." I shouted with a gun in my hand, that son of a bitch stood above my parents, gun simply laid next to father's head.
"Let them fucking go. You can take me.." I hummed almost breathlessly, feeling how tears pushed themselves into my eyes.
"That's what I wanted to hear, Pete." Vegas laughed. "But it is too late."

The gunshot echoed in my ears, seeing my father's dead body falling on the ground, blood oozing out.
"I am sorry, Pete but this needs to be done." Vegas hummed and shot my mother. The bullet pierced her heart and there were no signs of regret in Vegas' eyes.

"I was so fucking stupid, Vegas." I laughed to myself. "I thought that there might be a future for us, but now I can see there is none."
Tears streamed down my face, seeing the empty gaze on my parents face made me simply shut all emotions. I lifted the gun in the air and fired. The bullet hit Vegas' shoulder, "ups, sorry." I fired again, this time the bullet hit his leg. "Ups.. well.."

"One more shot Pete and you are dead meat." I heard Macau standing behind me, a gun aimed towards my head.
"Come on, Macau. Do it, please kill me. I have nothing now." I maniacally laughed, pointing with the gun towards Vegas' legs. "Look, what your brother did."

I could hear how Mac held his breath, he stopped focusing on me, but instead on the dead bodies in front of his brother's feet.
"Auntie? Uncle?" He hummed and sob filled the room we were currently in.

I used the situation and disarmed him, I was the one holding a gun near his head. Vegas' face was shocked. "You would not.." He tried to say, but he did not dare to continue, because he saw my face.

I lowered my mouth to Mac's ear, "I am so sorry Mac, I just need to leave now, otherwise one of us would die and it would not be me."
Honestly I never expected Macau to understand me, he slowly lifted his hands up in the air and started walking backwards with me.
"Thank you so much, I will owe you this one." I quietly whispered again and patted his head. "I should be the one thanking you, Pete." Macau mumbled back, making sure that Vegas could not read his lips. "You were the only one giving my brother a chance and he simply fucked it up."
We were almost out of the door, when I noticed how Vegas walked towards us. He kept speeding up his pace, almost running.
"There are car keys in my right pocket, take them and run. I'll hold him up." Macau shouted, I pushed my hand into his pocket, grabbed the keys and ran as fast as I could.

"Stop Pete.. Don't run.. Dont you fucking dare to run away from me!"

Vegas kept shouting, but as Macau promised he held him. That little devil shot his other leg. As I looked behind my shoulder I saw only approving nods from Macau. This young guy simply saved my life.


"Pete, who is this?"
"That is Macau, mom. It is Vegas' younger brother."
"Oh, it is a pleasure to meet you Macau, I am Apsara and this is my husband Chatri." Mom introduced them.
"Oi, Pete, you did not say that you have this handsome parents, I can now see who you take after."
"Don't you dare to flirt with my wife."
"I would not dare sir, I meant you." Macau laughed as my father patted his shoulder.

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