It happened one lunch break | Vegas/Pete 🔞

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School 'love' story between Pete and Vegas ..

A really quick story that I managed to write on my way home.

Student - teacher relationshit - no age mentioned.

The story has no beginning or end.

No beta reading, all mistakes are my own.


The ringing sound was like an escape from hell. The science teacher was a pain in the ass; literally. The moment Pete told him that it was over for them he couldn't get over it. Every science class Pete was asked question after question. After every class he was called into the teacher's room and was offered the same.

"Come on? Pete.. I know you can do better." The teacher leaned on the desk and unzipped his trousers, revealing his stone hard dick. "Just kneel and everything will go back to the way it was."
"I don't want to." Pete said firmly, his eyes focusing on something else in the room; something other than the pink dripping tip of his ex-lovers dick. "I want to live my life without you being in it."
The teacher started to laugh hard. "You should have thought about it before you started to hit on me."
"You were the one hitting on me and I was too stupid to say no."
"You are not stupid, Pete. You were just too confident and let's say your ass is worth it. I have never seen such a tight pink hole swallowing my dick so easily."

Pete could feel the warmth in his cheeks, "I don't care anymore. I found myself someone who would take care of me the way boyfriends do. I don't need just anyone who would fuck me."
"You are going to miss it so much that it will become unbearable, Pete. You will be crawling back because Arm cannot give you what you really need."
Pete could only scoff, he was so tired of this shit the teacher was blabbering about. He wasn't even surprised about the fact that the teacher knows his boyfriend's name.
"I don't think so.." Pete mumbled on his way out. As he closed the doors he heard loud noises and a hint of worry washed over him, he wanted to go back and see what happened, but he didn't. No one would benefit from it. He was slowly walking back to the classroom, picking up his things.
"You know school is not over yet, right?" Someone asked him and Pete completely ignored him, he was switching schools anyways.

Pete was on his way out of the school when two strong hands grabbed him and pulled into a dark closet. "I hope that you didn't think you could leave just like this, Pete." The voice crawled on him, the smell of alcohol lingered in the air. "You shouldn't be drinking at school, professor." Pete said like a stubborn brat he always was. "That is none of your business. I just need your ass, that is all I need." He scoffed and pulled his pants down. His dick was already leaking pre-cum and Pete honestly loved the sight.

His teacher was just a horny piece of shit with an astonishing body. Abs perfectly shaped and he just knew how to fuck his soul out. He was always challenging him in every aspect of their secret relationship. Pete himself would call it relationshit, but he simply enjoyed it. "Fuck, Pete.." The teacher hummed quietly, "just get on your fucking knees and take him. I won't be able to hold it anymore.." He groaned and when Pete was just standing and not moving he forced him down on his knees, grabbed his hair and pulled his head back, with the other hand he started to push his dick inside Pete's mouth. "Just fucking take it.. Don't make me beg you.."
Pete wanted to say "please won't kill him", but he couldn't, the second he would part his lips the dick would be deep down his throat in an instant, instead of that he could feel how their foreheads touched. "Let me just kiss you instead, Pete." The voice whispered and Pete could only open his eyes wide in shock when he felt the alcohol taste on his lips, something that never happened before. His former teacher, lover just kissed him.. on his damn lips.. out of the blue.. as he slowly parted his lips he could feel tongue entering his mouth and exploring his insides. It was a sloppy kiss but what could Pete expect?
"So sweet.. I can only wonder why I didn't do that before.. you longed to be kissed.." The teacher mumbled and Pete couldn't say anything because a massive stone hard dick filled his mouth. "Gosh.. your mouth is so damn warm .. fuckk.. I am going to miss that.." He started to thrust his hips back and forth, forcing his dick deep down Pete's throat, Pete was only able to breath a little, gagging, eyes filling with tears. "Look how well you are handling it.." The praise made him feel a bit better, but deep down he resented him. Pete knew that he had two options and he didn't like any of them.

The first one just to put up with the behavior and just leave after he cums and the second one was just to bite his dick off, because he never wanted to see him again; or that's what he thought so.

"Look at how pathetic I am, Pete." He started to talk again when he slowly let go of his hair and pulled the dick out of Pete's mouth. "I am fucking you here in a damn filthy closet like some kind of a whore, when you are just a brat who deserves everything in the world and you found yourself someone who can give it to you."

"What is it that you want, Vegas?" Pete decided to not call him teacher, professor, horny bastard nor idiot. He called him by his first name for the very first time.
"What I really want Pete?" Vegas chuckled, grabbing Pete's mouth, squeezing them and licking down his tears. "I want to hear you scream my name, I want to fuck you every morning, every afternoon and every night for the rest of my damn life. I want to spend every free time with you lying in a damn bed with me. I want to pamper you like no one ever did." Vegas looked into Pete's eyes, "I just want to be with you."

This was what Pete didnt expect, not at fucking all. His eyes widened in shock, he kept trying to calm himself down, it must have been because of the booze he was drinking, nothing more, nothing less.

"That's not what you want, Vegas." Pete hummed gently, caressing his cheeks. "You can have anything in the world, just say your name and people will kneel in front of you.." Pete couldn't let go of him, his face looked pale and there was nothing more Pete could do for him.
"But I don't want anything nor anyone." Vegas stood his ground, forcefully grabbing Pete's hands and pinned them above his head hitting some cleaning supplies that fell down causing a noise.
"You wont be the one telling me what I fucking want, Pete." Vegas growled next to his ear, unbuttoning Pete's trousers and swiftly pulling them down, baring his lower part of the body. "Right now I want to fuck you." Vegas groaned again, quickly turning Pete's body around, spitting on his finger and pushing it inside him.

Pete wanted to scream in pain, it was painful. It was burning but it was what he wanted, what he needed and what he desired. Pete knew that having a relationship with Arm was just for a while, because he couldn't live without Vegas, he could live without his dick that managed to fill him whole.
"If you want me, Vegas.." Pete could only groan in pain as another two fingers were pushed into his hole rawly. "Just fucking prove it."


Have a wonderful rest of the day/night. 💙

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