It was definitely not a mistake..|🔞 Vegas/Pete

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What a lovely summer we have here.. I had a bit more time to look into my works that I started to write but never finished and this was one of them, so I decided to finish it and post it here. 

Mature content ahead, if you are not feeling like reading it, please dont. 

No beta reading, all mistakes are my own. 


When Khun Korn, together with Kinn and Porsche forced the attack on the minor family mansion, we all had a chance to leave. Unfortunately for me, Vegas was shot. I avenged him, even though I have lost a friend and Vegas lost his father. I could not lose him, not now, not later.

As I saw Vegas' body lying in a small pool of blood a lot of memories were coming back to me. I immediately remembered the first time I was officially welcomed here, but at the same time I was the intruder and they all hated me, for who I work for and what shit I have done to them past those years working under the main family.


The moment I entered the minor mansion with my bags packed and being carried by Vegas I knew that this is a completely different world. Even though Vegas knew that I was supposed to be spying on them, he didn't do anything. He even let me go through his stuff. However the only thing that I have found were sex toys, and then even more sex toys. All the documents were already in the hands of Khun Kinn and his father, so there was no need for me to go through his computer.

A few hours later, after we had this secret conversation inside a treehouse that only Macau and he knew about, I felt a bit relieved. I had to update Khun Korn every day at 19 PM, no matter what. In case I would be out on a meeting with Vegas I should just send a message to Chan. Nothing more nothing less.

This night was the most memorable one.

I was inside my room, trying to look through Netflix to see what to watch, when I felt someone right behind me. My instincts kicked in, I felt in danger, so I immediately grabbed the knife I had right next to me.

I still had to remember where I was. I was still employed by the major family, not the minor and they all knew it. I could easily die. Before I could use the knife and throw it against the intruder, I was pinned on the floor, dark black hair tickling my nose.

"V.. Vegas.."

"You haven't had a shower yet? I can still smell my perfume from you."

"Mmh.. I have just sent a report to Khun Korn a while ago, and I planned on going now.." I whispered, because his presence was taking my breath away.

I actually realized one thing. How come that he is in my room when I lock the door?

"Vegas?" I tried to free my hands, but he kept them pinned down really tightly.

"What is it Pete?" Was he flirting with me right now? What the actual fuck is now happening?

"How.. urghh." I wanted to say more, but his lips started to nibble on my neck, I felt shivers running down my spine.

"Mmmh, what you wanted to know, Pete?"

"How did you... aaaah.."

Vegas sucked on my bottom lip, moved down on my neck, bruised it, leaving his teeth marks on my skin and bit my earlobe. How the hell am I supposed to focus on what I want to say?

"Give up, give yourself up to me Pete." He now whispered seductively. I moaned.


As our crotches were touching, I felt our shafts growing and touching, even though it was through many layers of clothing. The bulges were pretty visible. Vegas' heartbeat was loud, he was nervous and he wanted to hide it, but he was too bad at it. However, all of that left me wondering; was it because of me? Because he was not sure if I would give in? He forgot that I already did?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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