No third chances | Vegas/Pete 🔞

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This story was in my documents for such a long time. I honestly was not sure if to publish it or not as I wrote it in times of depression and it even might make no sense to you.¨

No beta reading, all mistakes are my own.


"Life is just a game for you, Porsche." Pete scoffed when he found out that he was fucking his boyfriend. "I genuinely loved him and you had to fuck it all up; as always." Pete turned around and left the room, leaving Porsche and Vegas in the room, speechless and mouth wide open.

"I am sorry that you had to witness it, Kinn." Pete looked up at his university friend who walked with him to his apartment where he lived with his now ex-boyfriend.

"There is nothing that you should be sorry about, Pete. You know that I am here for you no matter what."

"I know and I am grateful for that. But honestly, I have no fucking idea why shit like this is happening to me. What did I do wrong?" Pete tried to control the sobbing, but he could not do it. It seemed that the year he spent with Vegas, helping him out was just a joke to him. He took Pete for granted and Pete is hurt, so fucking much. "I gave him everything and he just cheated on me, with my best friend in our fucking bed. Is my life a fucking joke?"

Pete started to cry and Kinn was not sure what to do, even though he understood the feeling he couldn't do more than hug him. Kinn knew that Pete is the kindest person he could ever meet in his life and he could not believe how easily his cousin fell for that whore Pete called best friend.

"Do you want to go for a drink?" Kinn whispered and kept the hug tight, he could only feel how Pete nodded in his shoulder. He had to chuckle, even though Pete was now broken to pieces he was still the cutest and kindest person.

The moment they entered the bar all eyes were on them; mainly on Pete, but he couldn't care less, his puffy eyes resonated on his white skin and messy hair fell on his face.

"Khun Kinn, room as always?" The manager himself came to them and after Kinn nodded he took them to a private lounge where a bottle of the best whiskey was prepared on the table and a nervous young waiter was standing in the corner of the room waiting for further orders.

"You can leave us alone." Kinn said with a firm voice, the boy bowed and left Pete and Kinn alone.

"What do you think I can do now, Kinn?" Pete hummed and sipped from the glass that Kinn poured him.

"Start anew. There is nothing much else to do."

"But what if Vegas comes back to me? Begging me like he did before?"

"But before you broke his heart to the extent of his starting to use drugs and he definitely was not cheating on you. He seeked help from you, he needed to see your bright smile and to feel your presence, Pete." Kinn mumbled and Pete noticed how this conversation started to be unpleasant for him, so he tried to switch it.

"Do you think you can help me out a little more, Kinn?" Pete asked and looked into Kinn's eyes and waited for any type of confirmation. Kinn grinned and with a little nod he looked straight into Pete's eyes.


"Where is Pete, Kinn?" Vegas came to the club a minute after Pete left.

"Pete is gone." Kinn shrugged and sipped the drink, realizing that Vegas is completely lost without Pete. "You fucked up, Vegas. Big time." Kinn almost laughed, but he knew that Vegas is able to kill him in this state, so he kept that grin for himself and focused on Vegas. He noticed how his skin was glowing with a sweat, how harshly he was breathing and how his pupils were dilated.

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