I'm tired of being what you want me to be |🔞 Vegas/Pete

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Please read at your own risk, this is a pure fiction. Mature content ahead. 



[Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham kidnapped. Reported by a witness that saw a tall, dark haired man grabbing a local celebrity by his hands, covering his mouth and pushing him into a black van. Police are asking for a close cooperation. In case you have seen this vehicle or the person in the photo, please do not hesitate to contact your local police department.]

The person sitting in the chair turned off the television.

"Oh, look at it. It is only three hours that you are gone and they involve the police." The man walked towards Pete, grabbing him by the chin. "Do you think that they will be able to find you? Alive.."

The evil laugh followed. Pete sitting tied down, tears streaming down his face. He knew the man that kidnapped him and he still could not believe it.


"Baby, shall I come with you? You are shooting a commercial.." The annoying look on Pete's face stopped Kim from saying more. "I know that I am shooting a commercial, it is just behind this corner. I will be fine. You can go and visit my parents, they were asking about you."

The fake smile appeared on Pete's face as he finished the sentence. Since the time a first threatening letter appeared Kim decided to stay by his side no matter what, because Pete is a celebrity and many people started to recognize him more and more, asking for signature, photo or contact.

The letters were not the only thing that bothered Kim. Strange messages, phone calls and notes followed Pete on a daily basis.

Pete locked himself in the bathroom, applying light make-up and pulling a blue face mask from the drawer. "I need to go now." Pete walked past Kim, grabbing sunglasses and a baseball cap. "Baby, you still have enough time. Why are you going this early?"

The frustration kept growing inside him. Pete was not sure if Kim was playing stupid or he really was stupid. "I want to grab a coffee in the coffee shop that we have right under the apartment." Pete mumbled, but in reality he wanted to shout that he is suffering, he needs time alone. He can't use a fucking restroom in a restaurant without him standing almost right next to him.

"I'll go with you, we can enjoy a cup of coffee together." Kim walked towards Pete and wanted to grab his face mask as well. "No, stay here. I just need some time alone. Please."

Kim halted his movement, with this uneasy feeling he nodded. "Stay safe, please." Pete nodded, grabbed keys and walked towards the elevator.

The coffee in the shop downstairs tasted heavenly. No matter which coffee he ordered, every time the warm liquid touched his lips, bitterness followed by sweetness hit his taste buds. This coffee shop was his safe place. He was welcomed here, the staff got used to him being here, every time that someone wanted to take a photo of him or bother him they stopped them.

"He needs his privacy. Why are you bothering him in his free time? He is not a pet that you can follow around. He is a decent human being, leave him alone." His friend and owner of this coffee shop, Big, got his back no matter what.

The summer was fully on, Pete walked into a coffee shop and ordered iced americano, sat on his regular spot and pulled out his phone.

[Today is the day I'll take you with me. I can see you, the blue is perfect. Do you know that bruises can be blue too?]

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