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"I need a favor kay" rylie announced she never ask me for anything

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"I need a favor kay" rylie announced she never ask me for anything

"What" she picked up her camera off the island in the kitchen "I need to get some pictures can I take some of you?" I shrugged feeling kali at my feet

"What you need them for ?" I picked her up with my free arm .

I sat at the table "I told you I have a camera brand deal" I put kali in my lap and feed her some of my food

"Cute" rylie stood on the other side taking pictures. "Wanna see them ? I need you to watch her tonight I have to go somewhere" I scrunched my face

"Where you going?" She came beside me showing the picture "my business" I glared at her

"I packed her bag just incase you take her to your mom" I feed kali more of my food

"I like these" she put the camera down "you crazy ass girl " I mumbled after kali bit my finger "she thinks its funny" rylie laughed

"Go to yo moms" I gave her to rylie so I could finish my food.


"Go get the baby and tell my moms bye for I embarrass you"kay aggressively talked to me

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"Go get the baby and tell my moms bye for I embarrass you"kay aggressively talked to me

He was mad at me cause jay the boy I used to talk to post me and him. I was only around him once

"Your overreacting" I sat up
"You acting like he posted me fucking him" he mugged "you fucked him?"

"Now your disrespecting me I didn't fuck him" I put my shoes on getting off his mama couch

We where chilling at her house and out of nowhere he just started talking to me crazy

"Cant tell you letting the nigga kiss you and shit" he got loud "if your going to get loud im not going to keep talking to you"

I walked away going to his moms room . Her and kali was sleep I quietly picked her her up and kay mom popped up

"You leaving?" She cut the lamp on "yeah I will bring her back Wednesday" I put her blanket on her

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