Chapter 18

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Laney POV




"Yes Jamal?!" I said annoyed. I'm trying to help unpack the groceries Christian and Jory brought back.

"After you get done, can you take me to the park?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.

I went upstairs and went into my new room. I picked the luggage up off the floor and placed it on the bed. I opened it and pulled out my 9 mm Black gave me. I got to stay strapped at all times.

"Watch your back." Jamal said as we held hands walking down the street wearing shades.

"Why?" I asked. I was new to the game and I was just learning.

"Because people plotting on you when you least expect it. I love you too much to let you slip up like that." He said.

"So what do I need to do?" I looked around, paying attention to my surroundings.

"Stay strapped." He raised his hoodie showing his gun tucked in his belt.

I stared at the gun before putting it in the back of my pants. I took the shank out the side part of my luggage and tucked it in my pocket.

I walked back down the stairs and saw everyone was chilling.

"Anybody else wants to come?" I asked. Jamal jumped up excitedly and ran to my side.

"No." Jory and Christian said together. They were two busy lounging on the couch watching tv.

"Cool." I opened the door and we headed out.

"Mom, do I have a dad?" Jamal asked as we crossed the street walking down the sidewalk. I ignored his question and watched our surroundings.

"You look like you like girls." He squinted his eyes at me. I frowned and looked down at him.

"And you look like you want to get left on this sidewalk." I said.

"Sorry." He whispered and dropped his head. I grabbed his hand and walked into the park with him.

"Push me on the swing?" He asked. We walked to the swing and he jumped in it.

"If I push you, will you push me?" I laughed.

"You're too heavy." He giggled.

"You calling me fat?" I pinched his cute cheeks.

"No, you're not fat." He laughed. I smirked and began pushing him.

Right in the midst of me enjoying myself, I saw two men, in black, sitting on the bench. I instantly stopped pushing him.

"What's wrong?" He stopped the swing with his feet.

"Don't look right away. But there are two cops watching me over on the bench." I mumbled.

He looked down at his shoes and swung his feet for like two minutes then he cut his eyes over at the men.

"Let's go." He said.

"That'll make us look suspicious and they'll follow us." I shook my head.

"Yea. Lets just sit on the swings and play it cool." He said.

I swear this little boy has been here before. He thinks like a criminal and acts like America's angel.

"You're smart." I said as I sat on the swing next to him. We kicked our feet in the rocks and we swung slowly.

Christian POV

"You think she'll like this?" I asked Jory as I opened the pack of steaks.

"I told you already! Laney eats anything." Jory said from the living room.

"I just want her to feel relaxed when she gets back." I said. The front door swung open and Laney and Jamal rushed in and locked the door. Laney peeped out the blinds and closed the curtains.

"Wassup?" I frowned.

"We being watched!" She said.

"Shit!" Jory yelled.

"I don't want to leave you." Jamal held on to Laney as she had this lost look in her eyes.

"I'm tired Yall. I been doing this shit for 8 years." A single tear fell from her eye. I rushed over to her and held her.

"I love you." I whispered in her ear.

"I'm so tired of running, Christian." She cried in my shoulder.

"It's a part of you now Laney. You not gone turn yourself in." I frowned. She looked up at me sniffling.

"I want to.."

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