Chapter 2: Deployed...

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Cody was flown from the mainland onto an ITO Carrier, one owned by the Uedean Empire. Since the Xelbians and Uedeans got along well, they decided to work together.

Cody: So, you're expecting me to try and sink this ship without any fire support? Talk about strains of luck...

The Uedeans knew about the Xelbian fire support, but didn't have a way to copy it. They requested Xelbian Carriers, but it seems they were searching the Oceans for the Berlusconi.

???: We have done what we could to prepare for the interception of the Berlusconi. We have 400 ITO Naval Vessels for this operation. From what I've learned, over 200,000 personnel are with us on this Coalition.

The Uedean Admiral walks forward, and he immediately recognized Cody from what he's seen in his Military Career.

Admiral: I believe I know your father... it was in 1880 or 1881 that Iet him. The current Emperor of Uedea knows him as well.

Cody: Frankly, who doesn't at this point? Sadly, he's not doing too good... he's on his deathbed, and I don't know what else I can do for him.

The Admiral knew that it meant his father was dying, just when it would take him. They all took their hats off and let out a warrior cry for his father. It echoed through the ship, and then other ships began the same process...

Admiral: Your father helped develop the Uedea we know of today. Were it not for him and countless Westerners, we wouldn't be here today.

Cody: I would figure as much... The Berlusconi is what we're after?

The Admiral pulled a photo of a recent espionage attempt... The Battleship was steaming towards the Xelbian Coast. Cody realized the ship in the picture, and froze in fear...

Cody: W-What the hell is that...

Admiral: That is the Berlusconi. The 200,000 ton behemoth lost by the Ziotist Union, and now they want us to take it down by any means.

Cody: That... THAT!? How are we suppose to take THAT thing down!? We barely have 1,000 Aircraft and 400 Support Ships!

Admiral: I suppose you... aren't usually this fearful. Fear must be controlled for the operation, Seargent. The world itself could fall apart if this ship is freed.

Cody: I... How. Something like this should even exist. How could we even get close without getting railroaded.

Admiral: We will send 3 strike teams. The first is with the Carrier force, the second will be with Torpedos and the third with your Invincible Class Battleships.

Cody: And they're just going to accept this... they know we will come for that ship, you know. If they've prepared for a standoff, we will lose a substantial part of the Coalition.

Admiral: We would if we aren't careful. I've dealt with standoffs like these during the Uedean-Sonoman Wars. I understand what needs to be done.

The Admiral shows the Pilots to their Aircraft, as the entire fleet is activated. Now they had to hunt a giant ship that will tear anything it comes into contact with apart.

Admiral: As for you, Seargent... You will be with the Battleship Atö. It will be enough cover for this operation once the Berlusconi is done...

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