Chapter 8: The Bridge...

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The Bridge was now being stacked up by Cody and 5 other Soldiers. They now began breaching the book with Improvised Explosives, as the bridge tried to lock itself down.

Cody: Ready everyone? We've got one shot to deal with this... so let's not fuck this up.

The Explosives went off, sending debris all over the inside of the Bridge! Cody peered inside as little to none of the men before trying to kill them... we're now laying on the floor of the bridge.

Cody: Check for any survivors... I want something that can pin point the Sonoman responsible for this event.

But when they began searching through the bridge, the Ziotist Union's forces came into the bridge, and now were wandering into the bridge.

???: There. Grab it.

One of the Ziotist Soldiers grabbed something, and attempts to hide it... but Cody saw all of it, and now he was wondering what was going on.

Cody: Wait a second... I saw you grab something there. What did you find against the Sonoman Empire?

???: Old Blueprint files for new cannons. We don't want it falling to the Versace Government...

Cody: Understandable...

But some of the files that were inside fell out, and one in particular slid over to Cody's boots. He peered down and it was a line of morse code. Cody picked it up and began looking at it.

Cody: Quite the different design for a cannons yes?

Cody was now even MORE curious to what the folder presents, but the Ziotists began trying to walk out. Cody took his 10mm Handgun, and shot the one wielding the folder.

 Cody took his 10mm Handgun, and shot the one wielding the folder

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Cody: Not when you're hiding something from us... what are you hiding.

Cody wandered over and picked up the folder... and what he finds in it was an unexpected twist. The Ziotist Union allowed the ship to be taken to not get blamed for controversy.

Cody: You sly fucks... hands in the air right now! They planned this whole thing! No wonder the Versace Pirates were so effective!

The Allies were in shock, and now were even more pissed off than before. Allied Shelling off the ship began, as HUNDREDS of allied ships began landing shell after shell.

Cody: You will die with this ship, and there isn't any escape for you. Don't bother contacting for help... it's 6 against 3, and especially against you.

???: Not if we take care of this first! Comrades, stop them now!

The Ziotists began to engage the Allies, and immediately sent them behind hard objects to prevent penetration. The Crimson Force began trying to kill their once powerful allies.

Cody: I want them shot dead! You hear me!? They're NOT allowed to escape!

One of the Duchovnoy Soldiers shot a Crimson Soldier, sending him out of the bridge. Now, the Crimson Troops tried to run away, but a second one was sniper by a Xelbian Rifleman.

Cody: I'll get the final guy... you continue finding a way to scuttle this damned thing! Alert the others to escape to their boats!

???: Understood, Seargent! We will let them know of our choice! We will also let command know of what we found.

Cody sprinted through the bridge, and began chasing him down the stairs and towards the side deck.

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