Chapter 7: Heavy Fire...

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The Berlusconi opened up its 40mm Flak against incoming Vickers Fighters, but their armor and speed gave them incredible results. They were practically untouchable and could deliver vast payloads...

Pilot 2: We've got them now! Dropping our bombs and escaping!

5 Vickers Fighters dropped bombs directly overhead of the Flak emplacements, destroying the entire top decks worth of defenses. Now the 20 inch cannons were all that were left.

Cody: Good, now we've got a clear chance at getting in and storming their command center!

Bullet fire comes from the top decks, and soldiers ducked down to protect from the suppression. Cody was still somewhat standing, but was able to spot their weakness.

Cody: We've got 6 enemies on the left! Take them out Delta and Echo!

Delta and Echo Teams stood up, and their LMG Gunners completely stunted the Versace Pirates. The sheer caliber of rounds going out to the ship forced the pirates to concede the side deck.

Cody: Climb the side rope! Now!

Cody begsn climbing the rope, slinging his gun on his back. The troops he was with did the same thing, climbing the rope.

Cody: More enemies coming from the decks below! Squad Gunners!

3 Squad Gunners with 2 M85's came forward, and loaded their 32-03 LMG's with their 200 Round Box Mags. The end result was a massacre of over 80 Pirates on the top deck.

Cody: I need our SMG Gunners for the below decks action! Riflemen stay up on the deck while the Squad Gunners follow me

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Cody: I need our SMG Gunners for the below decks action! Riflemen stay up on the deck while the Squad Gunners follow me.

Cody takes the Squad Gunners and SMG wielding troops to the door that leads down to the inner section. Cody carefully stepped one foot down the other, keeping little to no noise as a requirement.

Cody: They'll radio in a strafing run by Fighters if they need support. For now, We've got a date with the underbelly.

Cody turned the corner, and was immediately met with the Versace Squad Weapons stationed down below. It appears the Ziotist Union kept its Armory just at the staircase...



Cody thought of something, so he pulled a pin on a Grenade and threw it down the hall... if they couldn't shoot the gunner, they'll blast a hole through it!

Cody: GO! NOW!

Cody and his group moved forward, since they needed the way to move to the top of the bridge. Now, they had full access to the ships schematics as the Pirates down below began to surrender.

???: Cody, you need to check this out... this could completely changed how this ship is viewed.

Cody: It's Seargent...

They showed Cody the plans on the ship... and couldn't believe his own eyes. This group of pirates were directly funded by the Sonoman Government. Sonoman weapons, battleplans for Uedea, and even the political games next to come.

Cody: Tell the Admiral to contact thr President... he needs to start an ITO blockade of Sonoma. We are NOT letting the Sonoman Empire disrupt anything.

???: Yeah... this changes many things that were initially meant to be a normal Anti-Pirate War. Now... this could be an act of indirect aggression.

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