Chapter 10: Velasquez Bombing Raid

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Velasquez, Versace is the capital city of the nation, and home to 2.6 Million people. The most Industrial city of the nation was now being directly threatened by ITO Forces, now numbering 850 Warships and over 40 Carriers, 17 of which are Xelbian.

Admiral: The goal is for our bombers to attack Velasquez and make them understand the cost of their actions.

Cody: Attacking civilians might not solve the issue...

Admiral: You're right... it might not. The point of it is to see if they understand their consequences. They work with the enemy... they BECOME the enemy.

Cody: That is fair. They should have apologized if they knew what they were doing. However, they planned to attack Ankor...

Admiral: We will try to avoid Civilian buildings and only try to hit Industrial bases. We know that the civilians won't be happy, but their government did something they can't undo.

Cody and the Admiral watched from the deck, while also watching the other ITO Fleet shell the Berlusconi, as now only 75 ships were doing it. Since the beggining of the trip to then, the Berlusconi still stood strong.

Cody: Damn it, when will that fucking thing sink! DIE YOU PIECE OF JUNK!

The Berlusconi would take countless torpedo hits, Shells and 500 lb bombs from fighter aircraft. It continued to live on until the bridge caught fire!


The Bridge of the world's most powerful warship to ever set sail was now destroyed completely. The Shells kept coming in fast, until a luck shell came from above, and struck the deck. The end result... was the opening of the top deck.


With 5 Vickers Fighters dropping 2,000 lb bombs into the top deck, it created a chain reaction with the fuel and ammo in the ship. The ships armor was so thick than even the Shells inside detonated and cause internal caverns.

Admiral: The hull was so thick with reinforced Steel that the Shells made it pressurize until it busted... Ironic. The thick armor is what created its own downfall.

The ship keeled onto its rear, sending the front of the ship into the air, nearly to the height that Cody dropped from. The giant 200,000 ton battleship was Sinking to the fiery depths of the Ocean.

Cody: We did it... we actually fucking did it- that ship is NO MORE!

The crew across the entire ITO Task Force erupted in cheers. They just sunk an unsinkable ship and could rejoice in their accomplishment.

Cody: Fucking finally! Now we can get back to what we need to do next. If they get close to us... fire at them, no mercy!

However, the Versace Pirates didn't get close. They knew that ITO was far too capable of a force to lose to the likes of them, and so what happened next... shocked them all.

Reporter: Breaking news! 50,000 deaths in the Capital of Versace due to the bombings created a new Revolution, led by Victor Lè Cruz. This new revolution is more Republic leaning, and could shift the balance of this.

Cody: Wow. They don't want to fight us but they'll fight each other... odd.

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