Break Up // Angst + Fluff(?)

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"Dude you guys do this like every month," Tolkien states as him, Tweek, Clyde, and Jimmy walk down the halls.

"NGH! Y-YEAH BUT this time he s-said we were over for good!" Tweek pulled at his hair. This was Tweek and Craig's eighth break up and usually Tweek would be the one yelling at Craig about it, but this time it was the other way around.

"H-He said he didn't want to talk to me ever again, a-and he- GAH! He said he wouldn't even hang out with you guys at school if I was a-anywhere near you!" Tweek exclaimed.

"Really?" Clyde asks.

"Y-YES! He even blocked me on EVERYTHING! AGH!!"

"W-wow, this sounds p-p-pretty serious," Jimmy chimes in.

"I'm sure everything will be fine." Tolkien reassures Tweek. Tolkien opens his locker and took his textbooks out of it. "Well, I'm heading to first period. I'll see you guys later."

"See you." Clyde said. He turned to Tweek and put a hand on his shoulder causing him to slightly flinch, "don't worry, I'll talk to Craig about the whole situation. I'm sure he didn't mean what he said."

"I-I hope not," Tweek replied. "Thanks Clyde."

Clyde smiled and slid his hand off Tweeks shoulder, "I should go now. See you two!"

"B-Bye! Let us k-k-know how things go with C-Craig." Jimmy speaks. Tweek and Jimmy then started chatting as they walked to first period, which they happened to have together.

Clyde walks into his second period to see Craig already sitting in his seat. He's really been avoiding seeing Tweek.

Clyde sits next to Craig and swings an arm around his shoulder, "heyyy Craig. How are you?"

Craig said nothing but just flipped off Clyde which caused him to furrow his brows in confusion. Odd. "So, I heard that you and Tweek broke up...again. If you keep it up you might make it to ten break ups." Okay maybe this wasn't a time for joking...

"I'm done with him. For good."

He sounded 100% positive, damn. And after the ship took so long to sail too. Clyde took his arm off of Craig and slid his chair closer to his friends, "for real?"

Craig only nodded.

"Dude you can't be serious! You're totally in love with him! What happened?"

No answer.

Clyde nudged at his friends shoulder lightly, "come on, man. Just talk to me."

"Clyde just shut the hell up. Class is about to start, don't have time to explain it all." Craig said.

Clyde looked up at the clock. 5 minutes. "We have plenty of time-"

"Just shut up, Clyde." Craig cut him off with a harsh tone. "I'll... I'll tell you at break. Just not now."

"...Alright." Clyde said. He was curious and dying to know what happened, but he didn't wanna push his friend. Especially since he knew Craig loved Tweek more than anything and he seemed serious about this break up.

An hour went by and the bell rang. Craig got up and quickly walked out of class, not even waiting for Clyde. Clyde rushed to put his things away then followed after Craig.

"Could've...*huff* waited for me at least*huff*." Clyde said trying to control his breathing. Craig rolled his eyes and kept walking until they were behind the library building where nobody else was. Craig leaned against the wall and his shorter friend sat down beside him. "So? You going to explain now?"

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