Zombie Apocalypse (Angst)

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"Craig you have to let go..." Tweek lightly tugged on his boyfriends sweater. "He's gone. We have to save ourselves."

"No... I don't want to leave him!" Craig only hugged onto Clyde's lifeless body tighter. He sobbed as his friend laid limp in his arms. The once happy and cheerful boy now not even breathing.

"Craig, we have to go." Tolkien said. Of course Tweek and Tolkien were sad that another one of their friends had died, but if they didn't leave now then they would die as well.

"I'm not leaving him," Craig cried.

"If we don't go now then we're all going to die!" Tweek shouted pulling harder to get his boyfriend away from the lifeless body.

"LET GO!" Craig yelled harshly pushing the smaller boy off of him. He turned back to his dead friend and held him tighter. "What's the point? We're all going to fucking die. There's no chance we survive this. I don't even want to survive this."

"Do you realize how selfish you sound right now?" Tweek yapped upset.

"Then leave me!" Craig shouted. "Go without me, leave me here to die."

"No Craig," Tolkien said firmly. He walked over to the boy and firmly grabbed his arm. "We're going, now."

Suddenly they heard footsteps. More zombies. Craig looked up to where the sounds were coming from and he stood up swiftly.

"Finally... we have to-"

Craig then snatched his arm away from Tolkiens grip and ran towards the sounds.

"NO!" Tweek tried running after Craig but Tolkien grabbed his arm and stopped him. "PLEASE CRAIG DON'T DO THIS!!!!" Tweek screamed in agony as Tolkien held him back. "LET GO!!"

"Tweek- we can't go after him! He's gone okay!" Tolkien stated.

"NO WE CAN STOP HIM!" Tweek shouted as tears rolled down his cheeks. He could see Craig getting scratched and eaten alive by the zombies. Blood staining their mouths and Craig's screams of pain echoing through the room next door. Tweek quickly looked away from the scene and buried his head in Tolkiens shoulders sobbing.

Tolkien looked down at Tweek concerned and pulled him away from him, "dude you're making these seem way too realistic."

"Wh-What?" Tweek asked sniffling. "Oh! Yeah I f-forgot we were just playing like 30 minutes ago.

Tolkien slapped a hand against his head and shook it, "Craig Get oVer hErE! Your boyfriends sobbing."

Craig then sat up and wiped the fake blood off his face. He walked over to Tweek and pulled him into a hug, "did you seriously forget that we were roleplaying?"

"Everyone here is just such a good actor," Tweek giggled wiping his tears.

Craig smiled and Clyde, Jimmy, and Tolkien began laughing as well.

"W-Well since m-m-most of us are- dead," Jimmy suggested, "let's s-stop playing."

"Yeah let's tell the others," Tolkien said.

Then everyone went out to get lunch and you sat there reading the fanfic with your mouth agape while questioning what just happened❤️

500 words

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