Double Double Date (Fluff)

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Some of you aren't gonna like this once you find out what one of the ships is✂️🍆
Sorry not sorry babes
(Also it's sort of centered around that ship rather than creek)

"Hey!" Bebe's voice echoed through the halls, "Tweek, Craig! How are you?"

She quickly walked up to them. They were heading to their next class and the hall was almost fully empty.

"UH- gOod." Tweek replied awkwardly, not expecting Bebe to randomly come up to them.

"That's great!" She smiles. "So I was wondering if you wanted to go on a double...double date? With us?"

"What? L-Like four couples?" Tweek questioned.

Bebe nodded, "yes! It'll be so much fun! It's tonight, we are planning on going to the movie theater then eating at that new restaurant after."

"Uhh..." Tweek looked at Craig who shrugged, "agh- who will be there?"

"Me and Kenny, Stan and Wendy, and Kyle and Cartman."

Craig groaned, "Why do those two have to be there?"

"Ken and Stan invited them." Bebe said, "oh come on! It'll be fun."

"Not with them around," Craig stated. "All they do is argue with each other."

"Oh, they won't! I swear, they argue a lot at school but I'm sure they won't on a date."

Tweeks grip on Craig's hand tightened a bit, "w-we should go. It sounds like it will be nice."

Bebe smiled, "so you two are coming?"

Craig sighed, "yeah, we'll be there." Tweek smiled.

"Okay cool! See you guys later!" She waved as she walked away.

Tweek waves back happily. Tweek was friends with Bebe and sort of friends with Wendy, so it would be fun to go on this date with them, and Craig was friends with Kenny. Craig was not thrilled at all about Kyle and Cartman being there, but he was gonna do it for his boyfriend.


Tweek and Craig arrived at the movie theater. So far everybody was there except for Kyle and Cartman. Craig leaned against the concrete wall and sighed. Kenny walked over next to him and leaned against the wall as well.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hi." Craig said back.

"So how are you man?"

Craig shrugs, "alright I guess. And you?"

"I'm doing good."

Craig just hums in response, not really sure nor wanting to continue talking, but then he speaks again, "are Kyle and Cartman gonna come? They're taking forever."

Kenny shrugs, "probably just late. Usually when they're late they arrive bickering with each other."

"Hm, how exciting." Craig's voice drips with sarcasm.

"They stop arguing eventually."

"Doubt it."

Kenny scoffs and rolls his eyes, "I'm serious."

"Please, whenever I see them they're yelling at each other."

"Yeah, usually when they're at school they don't like being affectionate, but believe it or not they actually can be really kind to each other," Kenny points out. "They've still got a lot of work to do but they're trying...slowly."

Craig was surprised when he noticed how honest Kenny seemed to be. He would have never thought that Kyle and Cartmans relationship would actually be non toxic, but I guess it's healing now?! What. Just as Kenny finished talking two people joined the group outside of the theater; Kyle and Cartman.

"Sorry we're late," Cartman grinned. "Kyle was taking forever to get ready."

"I WAS NOT, YOU WERE!!!!" Kyle was fuming.

"Yeah, yeah." Cartman muttered, "jew..."

"Shut the fuck up." Kyle then walked towards Stan to get away from the fatass. "We going now?"

"We we're waiting for you," Kenny mumbled.

"Yeah." Stan answered, "let's go." Everyone walked into the building. They all got their snacks then headed into the theater. And just Craig's luck, he was seated by Kyle and Cartman. Craig cursed under his breath, not being pleased with this.

They were watching some horror movie. The movie hadn't even started yet and Kyle and Cartman were already yapping at one another. Craig groaned in annoyance.

"I'm sure they'll stop once the movie starts," Tweek said as he nudged Craig's shoulder with his elbow.

"I doubt it." Craig mumbled.

"Want to switch seats?"

Craig shook his head, "it's fine."

Tweek just hummed in response.

Soon the movie started and surprisingly Kyle and Cartman weren't making too much ruckus during it. Tweek was actually more louder than the two, yelping and screaming at the gory and scary scenes. Craig would hold his hand and reassuringly slide his thumb back and forth across his skin. Kyle and Cartman ended up leaving half way through the movie, God knows where they went off to, but they never came back.

The movie ended after about 2 hours. Everyone exited the theater and chat for a bit before they left to the diner.

"That was so obviously coming."

"It was not!" Bebe defended. "That was a great ending."

"Mhmmm, no," Kenny responded.

"Hey, where and Kyle and Cartman?" Stan just suddenly realized that his two friends were missing from the group. Kenny shrugged and nobody else answered.

"They left during the movie and never came back," Tweek explained.

"And thank God they left." Craig muttered with a smirk.

"Whatever, let's just go to the restaurant now." Wendy said grabbing Stan's arm.

"I'll text them." Stan pulled his phone out of his pocket with his free hand. "We'll see you guys at the restaurant."

"Okay. Let's go, Ken." Bebe smiled.

Everyone walked to their cars and once Craig sat in the passenger seat he instantly started ranting, "I hope they went back home. They were so annoying the whole time and the date isn't even over yet. I don't know if I can be around them much longer."

Tweek started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot. "They weren't that bad."

"They were!" Craig continued to complain, "they were whisper yelling during the movie. You probably couldn't hear it because you weren't next to them."

"But they left didn't they?" Tweek points out.

"If that's how they solve their arguing they'll probably just bail for the rest of the night."

Tweek didn't answer. Craig continued to talk for a while, eventually stopping talking about Kyle and Cartman and switching to a different topic. The radio quietly played music in the background and Tweek just listened to his boyfriend speak. After almost 10 minutes they arrived to the restaurant. It wasn't too packed since it was kind of late.


They got off the car and Craig groaned, "Cartmans car is here... damnit."

Tweek sighed and took Craig's hand, "it'll be fine. C'mon."

They walked into the restaurant to see their friends at a booth. And just their luck, they had to sit next to Kyle and Cartman again. Sighhhhh.

Craig didn't complain this time, he just sat down next to Kyle. Surprisingly the couple wasn't fighting. I'm fact, they were doing quite the opposite. They were smiling and laughing and holding each other's hands. The display was very wholesome, but Craig was freaked out by it, not knowing that these two could have anything other than a toxic relationship. But he was proven wrong of course.

1179 word count
Yeah sorry that was mostly Kyman. I started writing this who knows how long ago and I honestly can't do it anymore so I just forced myself to finish it lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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