Worried About You // Angst

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"You don't even talk to anyone anymore!" Clyde exclaims.

"Yeah, we haven't seen you since before winter break," Tolkien adds.

"We're very c-c-c-concerned." Jimmy states.

Craig rolls his eyes, not looking away from the ceiling, "fuck off. I'm perfectly fine."

"Look man, we're just trying to help-"

"Well maybe I don't need your help!" Craig yells sitting up on his bed and turning his attention towards his friends. "I am fine. Now get out of my room!"

Tolkien sighs and stands up. Jimmy does the same and they both exit the room. Clyde looks worryingly at his friend, "Craig... we're worried about you."

"Well you shouldn't be," Craig says coldly.

"This is so unlike you!" Clyde continues, "you don't talk to any of us anymore! Not even Tweek! Do you have any idea how we feel?! We miss you... and it hurts that you're just pushing us away like this."

Craig laid back down in his bed, "get out, Clyde."

Clyde sighed and stood up. He knew there wouldn't be anything he could do. Craig has always been like this. "Okay, but Tweek wanted me to tell you that he's gonna come by later."

Craig responded by flipping Clyde off. Clyde left the room and quietly shut the door. Now Craig was left in silence with nothing but his own thoughts. The silent yet seemingly loud words that traveled through his brain. The words that whispered horrible things into his ears. The words that made him want to collapse. The words that had somehow made him begin to cry without realization.

He quickly wiped his cheeks, not liking the feeling of "weakness". He grabbed his phone, opened Spotify, then started listening to his playlist. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on the lyrics of the song instead of the words floating through his head and before he knew it he had drifted off to sleep...


Craigs eyes slowly opened to see his boyfriend standing in front of him, lightly shaking him awake.

"Hey Tweek." Craig said.

"Hi..." Tweek lightly smiled. Craig sat up and Tweek sat on the bed next to him. "How are you? I haven't seen you since we were last in school, and you haven't been responding to most of my messages."

Craig sighed, "I'm fine."

"Really?" Tweek asked. "Are you sure you're fine or are you just saying that?"

Craig rolled his eyes and flipped Tweek off, "I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine, and everyone else told me-"


Tweek pulled his boyfriend into a calm kiss which seemed to get Craig to calm down. Tweek then pulled away and looked his boyfriend in the eyes, his expression full of worry. "Craig, I love you so much. I can tell something is wrong, I just want you to open up about it so you can feel better."

Tweek intertwined his fingers with Craig's. Craigs eyes began to water which soon followed with tears running down his cheeks. He sighed, "shit... I've just been feeling so fucking depressed lately. I don't feel...I don't feel like there's even a point in living, so I've just stopped doing things completely..."

Tweek comforted his boyfriend and listened to every word he had to say.

Blah blah blah blah blah... I'm one lazy ass writer👉👌

Once again not spell checked.

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