Blue Ink (Angst)

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"Tweek please don't do this..."

"I'm sorry Craig, but it's just not going to work out if we aren't soulmates!"

"This whole thing is ridiculous, Tweek!" Craig shouted through his tears. "Soulmates can be platonic too. You can date someone who isn't your soulmate!"

"Well that might work for you but it won't work out for me!" Tweek yelled back. His watery eyes held his tears, refusing to let them flow.

Craig sighed and looked at his arm. His stupid arm was the thing that caused all of this. On your sixteenth birthday the name of your soulmate appears on your arm. Craig was sure 'Tweek Tweak' would be there, written neatly in the blue ink plastered on everyone else's arm. However that was not the case... at exactly 12am on his birthday, he looked down at his arm, the blue lines and circles spelling:

'Clyde Donovan'

Clyde and Craig were, of course, just friends and nothing more. After all, Craig was gay and Clyde was straight. The two had been friends for so long, they were like brothers to each other. Soulmates don't always have to be romantic and Craig was well aware of that, so he didn't stress too much over his friends name on his arm. His boyfriend Tweek however, did. Tweek said if they weren't soulmates then maybe they weren't meant to be. Craig thought that was ridiculous, he loved Tweek and Tweek loved him. He wanted to stay by his side every moment of his life, but now he couldn't because of this stupid soulmate thing.

"I'm sorry..."

With those last words spoken from Tweeks mouth, a river of tears were set free and raced down his face. He choked on a sob that he had been holding back and left through the front door of the Tucker's household.

Craig gasped for air, not realizing he had been holding his breath. He felt his own tears fall from his eyes and his body begin to tremble. He grabbed onto his chest, feeling as if 100 bullets had been shot through it.

He loved Tweek with all his heart, he really did. It pained him to see him leave. It pained him to know that he had just lost the love of his life because of this stupid blue ink.

384 words.
Soulmate AUs are cool.

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