[Pierre Gasly]

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There it was again! I was walking around the garages, greeting a few of the drivers I had become acquainted with when my father finally agreed to let me come to see the races

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There it was again! 
I was walking around the garages, greeting a few of the drivers I had become acquainted with when my father finally agreed to let me come to see the races. He feared I'd enjoy them too much, follow in my late uncle's footsteps, and become a driver. 
I enjoyed driving, not at the stupid speed these guys drove, but driving leisurely, I had gotten that from my uncle. 
But I'm getting off-topic.

I had noticed, for the past few times I had come around, that there was a particular driver who always shied away from meeting me, yet the weight of his eyes never left my person.
Pierre Gasly. 
He was a driver, currently driving for Alpine. A great driver, and probably the only driver who had never exchanged more than a handful of words with me. I had no clue what I might have done to him to warrant a reaction like this, but I had decided that whatever it was, he had his motives.
That and I had been told multiple times that, when around new people, I could have a bit of a bitch face. Mostly by my best friend, Esteban.
I walked to Esteban with a smile on my face and he smiled as he spotted me.
"Y/N!" I went in for a hug before I let him go.
"How do you feel about the race today, Estie?"
Esteban laughed at the nickname I had given him from the first time we spoke. "I'm pretty calm actually. I'll do the best I can, and that's all I can aim for."
I smiled at him, "Look at you, all grown-up!" 
Esteban laughed, "That's more than anyone can say for you, shortie." 
I frowned jokingly before Esteban looked behind my shoulder and he smirked.
"There's someone in the room that would love to meet you but doesn't have the guts to talk to you properly. Let me introduce you two, will ya?"
I shrugged, having a clue of who he wanted to introduce me to. 
But if he was introducing me to Pierre, why did Esteban say it was someone who had been dying to meet me?
"Yeah? And who's that?"
Esteban laughed, "Please, we both know you know who it is."
Esteban laughed. "That's the man, so please remove that perpetual bitch face." 
I laughed as I rubbed my cheeks and smiled lightly. "That better?"
"Oh, so much better," Esteban said as he pinched my cheeks, as I felt the continued weight of eyes on the back of my head. "Alright, you go to my driver's room and I'll drag Pierre there in a moment."
"Drag?" I asked in confusion.

Esteban laughed, "Pierre becomes a fumbling, anxious mess whenever he sees your pretty little face, so talking to you is like Hell and Heaven in the same box. That's why he runs from you."
I nodded, flabbergasted at this new information. "Now, get moving."
I gave Esteban a mock salute, before walking to his driver's room, hearing Esteban greet Pierre and tell him to follow him.

I sat down on the sofa, took out my phone, and texted my father, just so he knew I hadn't stepped into a car and started driving around just for fun. 
"Hey, Y/N, you busy?" Esteban asked and I looked up from my phone just as my father texted me, telling me to not get in any car but my own and to 'not even dream about bringing a car nerd into his home and introduce one of those speed monkeys as my boyfriend'. My father was very open regarding dating, but I once made a joke about dating an F1 driver, and now the only driver allowed into our home was Esteban, and it had to be under supervision. 
I put on a light smile, giving my best not to present my bitch face.
"Hi, I'm Y/N." 
Pierre gave Esteban a look as Esteban sneakily backed out of the room.
"Words, Pierre, use them," Esteban said as he closed the door and bolted away.
"Well, I'm-" Pierre began, clearing his throat as he looked anywhere but at me, "I'm Pierre."
We stayed silent for a little, the two of us looking anywhere but at each other. I mean, I was looking at him from the corner of my eye. Pierre was a handsome guy, he had beautiful eyes, and his smile, while I had not seen it up close, at least not personally, was sure to be on the list of ten most gorgeous smiles I had ever seen.
"God, I'm sorry this is so awkward," Pierre said softly as he still avoided looking at me. "I'm not really good at meeting new people." 
I laughed, "Well, I'm no pro either, but we just have to go with the flow, I guess." I said with a chuckle, and Pierre nodded.
"You probably get asked this a lot, but how is it being Ayrton Senna's niece?"
I laughed a little, "I don't remember much from my time with him, I was barely two when he died. But I get asked that a lot." 
"Oh, I'm sorry." Pierre blushed and I sighed, before he continued, "Either way, I'm sorry if I seemed like I have been running from you. For some reason, you make me a little anxious."
"Esteban says I do that to people because I have a resting bitch face, most of my friends and family agree with him" I admitted with a laugh and Pierre sighed.
"Oh yeah, Esteban..."
I rose an eyebrow as I looked at Pierre. "Everything okay?"
"Are you and Esteban dating?"
I laughed, "God no! He's like my brother."
Pierre lightened up at that, smiling at me. 
"Just to be clear, I don't think you have a resting bitch face," Pierre said, blushing furiously. "I actually think you have a pretty cute face." 
I blushed as I looked down, feeling suddenly self-conscious.
"I think you look pretty cute too," I whispered and Pierre chuckled as he sat down next to me.
"Well, thanks," Pierre said before he took a deep breath, and I looked at him. "I can't believe I'm about to use this, but, can I have your phone number? I need to prove to my friends that angels have phones too."
I blushed heavily again before I extended my hand to him. "Give me your phone and I'll type it in."
Pierre smiled as he handed me his unlocked phone. I typed in my number and called my phone so I could keep his number as well.
"Well, since you already threw the first pick-up line, I think it's my turn," I said with a laugh, "If I ask you to hang out, will you understand that I'm asking you on a date or should I make it more clear?" 
Pierre smiled as he winked at me, "Well, I'm not doing anything tonight, maybe you can help me change that."


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