[ Max Verstappen]

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I watched Lando and his twin sister playing and wondered if I was the only one that found the woman singing and playing the bass (Lando's twin) extremely attractive. I looked at the other drivers scattered around the room, Daniel was solely focused on hyping Lando and Y/N, Charles was talking to his girlfriend and brother, and Carlos was talking to them as well, and his girlfriend was also wrapped under his arm, also taking part in the conversation.
I looked at George and Lewis sitting beside me; they seemed to be the only ones besides me paying attention to Y/N. I suppose in George's case was because they went way back, having been friends since they were kids, but Lewis? I had no clue. Maybe he was just analyzing their music. 
I watched as Y/N and Lando climbed out off the stage as we all clapped for them. Y/N went through a door with her bass in hand, and I had the urge to follow her, just so I could talk to her in private, just the two of us. 
Since the first time I met her, I had been weirdly fixated on her. 
"Great job man!" Lewis congratulated as Lando sat next to us, and I turned to him as George waved, saying he was going to find Y/N. 
"Thanks!" Lando sipped from the glass he already had in his hand, "How do you feel about the Norris duo, Max?"
I looked at Lando and watched him smirk like he knew something. I took a sip of my beer before answering, "Your sister sings really well."
Lando laughed, "If you think this is good wait until you hear her sing in the shower. That's some real talent."
I tried my best not to blush, but from the way Lewis and Lando straightened up and began looking at me with knowing smiles, I knew I was doomed. 
"Blushing? Is the big bad Max Verstappen having a crush?" Lando teased and I cleared my throat, uncomfortable that of all people, Lando was figuring out my crush on his sister.
"You have a crush on her mate!" Lando shouted as he reached for his phone, "I'm sorry, I need to tell her this, she's going to freak out!" 
I jumped from my seat, grabbing Lando's arm, "What do you mean she's going to freak out?"
"I meant what I meant mate!" I looked at him in panic. Did she hate me?! Was that why she was going to freak out?! "You're seriously telling me that you have no clue?"
"No clue abou-"
"Hi, Lewis! Oh, hi Max! Thanks for coming!" 

I whipped around and found Y/N and George behind us. George gave me a smirk, before heading away with Lando and Lewis, but not before whispering something to Y/N, which left her about the same red as Ferrari. Was she having a thing with George?
"So, how did you like the show?" Y/N asked shyly as she avoided looking at me. 
"You were amazing!" I said as I tried my best to not let myself sound like a schoolboy with a crush, "Come on, let me buy you a drink."
Y/N's head snapped up quickly before she offered me the cutest smile I had ever seen. "Only if I can buy you one after!"


I woke up to a pounding headache, and my arms wrapped tightly around someone, and that someone was also holding me pretty tightly. 
I looked down at myself, finding myself dressed, thankfully.
I looked to my side and started panicking when I recognized Lando's sister in my arms.
I tried to remember what had happened, but as it turns out, I had gotten blackout drunk. 
I felt Y/N move against me, burrowing her head in my neck. Her soft breath against my neck made me freeze in place, and things only got worse when she started whispering things into my neck. "If I ever think of drinking this much again, shoot me." 
I willed myself to react, knowing she was likely wanting a response, "I would never shoot you, no matter how much you asked me to."
I was surprised when she suddenly let go and soon I heard a loud thud. 
I immediately looked over at her side of the bed, finding Y/N on the ground groaning in pain.
"Are you okay?!" I asked and her door burst open and someone walked in.
"What happened?! Who's in here? I'm- Oh, Max, hi!" Lando said as he held a remote control like it was a weapon. 
"Who were you expecting to save with that?!" Y/N asked before she winced, "Oh shit too loud, let's have this conversation in whispers."
Lando looked at his hand, "I honestly thought this was one of my golf clubs." Lando sat on the bed next to me, peering at the two of us, "You two are fully dressed? What the hell happened?"
Lando sounded disappointed that we were dressed. Y/N glared at him before she held her head and groaned again, "I would stare you down until you died, but my head is killing me." 
Lando turned to me, "Max?" 
I shook my head, before reaching to help Y/N up to the bed, "I have no clue, last thing I remember we were all doing shots at the bar."
Y/N accepted my help and flopped unceremoniously on the bed, and I had to count to fifteen in my head so I wouldn't pull her back into my arms. 
"Not helpful, that was most of our night," Y/N groaned as she smothered herself with a pillow, "How are you not hungover Lando?"
"I had two beers, Y/N." Lando said with a laugh and Y/N threw the pillow aimlessly trying to hit him, but ended up hitting me.
"Hey, I'm not part of his fight!" 
Y/N sat up quickly, "Sorry! Sorry! I swear I still love you, I wasn't looking at where I was aiming and- why are you two looking at me like that?" 
Lando smirked as I sat there, my mouth hanging open, "This sounds like more of a private conversation, so get down when you feel like it, I'll make breakfast."

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