[Pierre Gasly]

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"Has anyone seen Gasly?"The other four drivers in the room looked at me like I was going crazy, which, to be fair, wasn't that far-fetched

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"Has anyone seen Gasly?"
The other four drivers in the room looked at me like I was going crazy, which, to be fair, wasn't that far-fetched. Me asking for Gasly's whereabouts was probably the most concern I'd ever shown for the Alpine driver. 
"And why do you ask?" Charles piped from his place beside Carlos, giving me a look I couldn't quite place. 
"To invite him back to my place for tea and scones." I said sarcastically, "Why do you think, Leclerc?"
George snorted and I glared at him, "Be glad I'm going after him, or it would be you in his place right now!"
"What did I do?!"
I huffed in annoyance, pushing my sunglasses up to my head, "Oh, I don't know, remember making me hit a wall for three consecutive races and costing me points in two of those three races?"
"I didn't mean to do that!" 
I narrowed my eyes, "Wait until you eat my dust, you bastard."
"Not while driving that tractor," Carlos piped quietly and I gave him a glare.
"You're currently my favorite, tied with my teammate over there, do you really want to challenge that place?" 
Carlos raised his hands, "I'm cool, be mad at George and Charles."
Lando then looked at me, "Y/n, are you sure you're okay to chase and possibly hit Pierre? You just came back from the hospital."
I shook my head at Lando, "I'm ready to break his every bone, plus the doctor said I'm good."
"He told you to take it easy." Lando corrected and I rose an eyebrow. 
"How do you know what he said?"
"You texted me when you were getting discharged," Lando said, showing me the texts, "That and I asked Andrea after the race. Are you sure you're okay? Because you texted me that about twenty-five minutes ago."
I huffed, "I really don't have time for this. Thanks for the concern, Lando, but I need to know where Gasly is. And either one of you helps or I'm hitting all of you." 
"I really don't know where he went," Lando clarified quickly, knowing how I was more than prone to fulfill the promise of hitting all of them, "He did come to ask about you after the race." 
"Well, if he's not at his garage, chances are he's already left the paddock or is about to leave," Charles said and I groaned.
"Well, I'll look for him, if any of you lays eyes on him before I do, tell him to text me."
I turned around before I heard George, "Does he have your number?"
"I'm in the fucking WhatsApp group you created, so yeah, he does have access to it."
"Oh yeah, you keep sending all those Ferrari memes."
"Really appreciate them, by the way." 
I glared at Charles over my shoulder, before accessing, "I'll start sending memes of other teams, but if Max comes for my head, I'm blaming you."
I checked my phone on my way out of the paddock, signing a few things and taking some pictures with the fans before I spotted Gasly talking to Zak in front of McLaren.

"Can I have a word with you?" 
Both men turned to look at me, and Gasly nodded, already stepping away, "I'll speak to Zak later, I meant you Gasly."
Zak gave me a look, "Watch what you do in public, otherwise Miley will kill you and I will help her."
Miley was my PR, she was usually the one who handled the consequences of my being a hothead in interviews and an absolute menace on social media. She deserved like 5 places in heaven just for putting up with my shenanigans. 
I grasped Gasly's sleeve, "Close your eyes bastard, you're about to cross holy territory and you're unworthy of looking at it."
I watched as Zak shook his head as Gasly closed his eyes and I dragged him through, getting weird looks from most of the team. 
I closed the door to my driver's room after we were safely inside, "Open your eyes bastard, I have a few bones to pick with you."

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