[Charles Leclerc]

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"Y/N, do not overtake. I repeat, do not overtake!"
What the fuck man, I gotta overtake! I have the opening! I'm going for it!"
"Y/N, no! It's too dangerous! You have a secure points position. Do not overtake Perez."
"I'll do it either way!" I took a deep breath, me and Checo being wheel to wheel, with me pushing to pass him, "I have the window, I have the pace, I just need to push further!"
I pushed the car to the limit, even if in terms of visibility conditions weren't the best, I had to try and overtake Checo. 
"Y/N no!" 
I overtook him finally, "For fuck's sake! See, I did it!" 
"That was dangerous! You could have hit him! You could have crashed!" 
"But I didn't!" 
I began singing as the distance between me and Checo increased, with me on fourth, and if everything went right, I would not have to pit before the end of the race, as we were in the last few laps.
"How's Charles doing?" 
"Charles is between Gasly and Russell, seventh."
"Want to pass on any messages?"
"Tell him he's buying dinner, because I'm crossing that finish line before him."
"Copy that." There were a few moments of radio silence, as I spotted a Mercedes in front of me, which had to be Hamilton, because George was playing bread on the Charles sandwich. "Charles says you're going to pay for that."
"As Magnussen once said, he can suck my balls."
"We've spoke about this, you don't have balls."
"Just because you've never seen them doesn't mean they're nonexistent." 
I was approaching Hamilton fast, "I'm passing Hamilton as well."
"Y/N no. You've done an overtake that could have gone wrong, just defend your position and cross the damn line."
"Yeah, that's a negative, sorry."
I tried to overtake Hamilton, but he was defending very well, forcing me to go wide, "For fuck's sake!" 
"Just defend! Don't overtake him!"
"I might overtake him if he lets me." I admitted before I laughed, noticing Charles coming closer to my car, "Maybe I'll start defending as well, I'm a woman, multitasking is in my DNA."
"You're a menace." My engineer complained, "Charles managed an overtake on Gasly, he's now fifth."
"No shit! I think we're the only two Ferraris in this race, no?" I said sarcastically before I grumbled, "Jesus, you're just like my grandma."
"Charles is asking if you could please let him pass you."
"No fucking way! He's buying me dinner, I don't care."
I reduced the distance between Hamilton and me and took a deep breath, "Charles can keep eating my dust. Or drinking my water, with this rain."
I was, once more, wheel to wheel with another driver, but this time, a corner was coming up, but Hamilton wasn't backing down, and neither would I do it. One of us would end up crashing into a wall, if not both. I pushed the car a little more. "Careful Y/N! There's a turn in there!"
"You do realize I'm not blind, right? I'm taking the place." 
My car was slightly ahead of Hamilton's, and I don't know if it was on purpose or accidental, but the moment my rear wheel was passing his front, he bumped into me. I lost control of the car for a fraction of a second, but ultimately managed to get it back under control and steal Hamilton's third place. "What the fuck is wrong with him?!"
"Did Hamilton hit you?"
"No, a fucking ghost did! What do you think?!" I complained over the radio, "I'll just focus on defending now, fucking Mercedes guy, thinking he can hit me like that."
"Did it feel intentional?"
"It felt like I was about to shit my pants." 
I heard my engineer suppress a laugh, making me relax a little, "Thank God I'm not washing your suit."
"I said I was about to, I didn't say I did it, idiot."
"I'll cut your brakes." 
I laughed loudly, as I started my last lap, "No you won't. You sort of kind of like me. I'm like your daughter."
"I already have one of those, thank you."
"Well, now you have two."
"I don't really want to."
"Ah, my bio parents said the same, tough luck." I heard my engineer huff, making me laugh loudly, "Just kidding I don't know what they said, I was like six months old when they left me at my godparents' doorstep and fled."
"Have you ever thought of, I don't know, going to a therapist?"
"I have a therapist!" I said happily, "She's pretty cool."
"Y/N, we're near the end now, focus! Hamilton is trying to take back third."
"Fuck no! I'm getting this podium!" 
I pushed the car to the limit again, gaining more space between myself and Hamilton. "Keep the pace and third is yours. C'mon Y/N, you can do it!"
"Who was right to overtake? It was me!" I sang and heard my engineer laugh.
"Don't pull one of those again, please. Hamilton nearly sent you into a wall."
"I'll get him back for that one." 
I pushed one last time as I saw the finish line come into view "And I'll start by taking today's podium from him."
"Go ahead, Charles is fighting Hamilton, their wheel to wheel."
"Tell Charles he's a verliezer." 
"What does that mean?" My engineer asked and I laughed.
"He's heard me say it enough to know."
I crossed the line in third, shouting into the radio in joy. "That's for hitting me, Hamilton!"
"Great race Y/N!" My engineer cheered as I drove my cooldown lap.
"Who's on the podium besides me and Verstappen?"
"Alonso will be up there with you."
"Ah shit!" I swore under my breath, "Last time we shared the podium he promised to get back at me after I accidentally sprayed the champagne into his mouth and nose."
My engineer laughed, "As you say, that sounds like a 'you' problem, Y/N."
"Yeah, don't forget those words, alright?"
I pitted my car as my lap ended and was received with loud cheers by all of my team before I heard someone call me out.
"I think the perdante here is you." I turned to find Charles hopping out of his car, and I took off my helmet, smirking at him, "I think you're forgetting who got third and who got fourth today." 
Charles laughed, also getting rid of his helmet and balaclava.
"You actually did good today, Y/N." 
"You too, Charles." I smiled, opening my arms for a hug. 
Charles and I may have a little bit of rivalry between teammates, but in the end, if it wasn't for him and Max, I wouldn't have pushed myself and managed to be the first female F1 driver among all this testosterone. Charles hugged me closely and I felt my heart beating quicker. Ah the perks of having some sort of situationship with your teammate.
"C'mon, the Max Verstappen podcast is starting any minute now." 
Charles laughed as we went together to get weighed before I left the Ferrari garage to head to the cooldown room.
I spotted Max walking ahead of me and I jogged to catch up to him, tripping over my own feet, but ultimately not falling. I heard a few people laugh, which made me blush, but I was used to this. I was clumsy and had been since I had come to this world. 
"Hey, Verstappen!" 
Max turned around, laughing when he saw my red cheeks, "Does Ferrari make you paint your cheeks the color of your suit or is it because of you lover boy?"
"Shut up," I complained as we walked inside and we both sat down, waiting for Fernando. 
"So, tell me," Max began with a smile, "how many orders did you overthrow this time?"
"Go hear my Radio from the race and you'll see. Just in the last 5 laps, it was two or three orders."
"And the adoption jokes?"
I laughed loudly at how well Max knew me, "Sadly, only one. My engineers don't really set me up for them as often."
Suddenly Fernando walked in, congratulating both of us as he wiggled his eyebrows at me, "Don't think I forgot about the revenge I promised you."
I laughed, "You're old, I'll evade you."
Fernando sat down with a laugh, "I'll get you, Y/N, you just wait."
We watched some moments from the race, including the moment Hamilton hit me when I overtook him and Max gave me a look as he rose his eyebrow. Knowing there were cameras, I shrugged before we were called for the podium.
I stood there as they handed us our respective flags and the Dutch anthem began, to which I sang along to, you know, being Dutch and all. 
I noticed Fernando smirking the moment we were given the champagne bottles, making me start spraying faster before hiding behind Max, who took the brunt end of Fernando's revenge spraying.
As we gradually stopped spraying, Max and I were about to toast and drink ourselves, as was our tradition whenever we were together on the podium, and I called Fernando to join us.
As there weren't any mics on us, I smirked, before saying what I always said when toastingto something, "Here's to courage, here's to honour. If you can't come in her, come on her! Here's to getting honor, here's to staying honor, and if you can't cum in her cum honor. Cheers!"
Max just drank from his bottle, as did I, but Fernando stared at us for a little, before taking a sip. I laughed as I stepped off, walking ahead of Fernando, when I felt something cold and wet run down my back, inside my suit.
"Fernando!" I shouted, whipping around with a laugh and he shrugged.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold." 
I laughed as we walked together before we were called for separate interviews.
"Here's the woman of the hour!" Natalie called with a smile as my PR came to us in a rush and I smiled.
"Hi Natalie!" I said happily, and Natalie laughed, already used to my bouncing off walls.
"Today was a great race for Ferrari, congrats on your podium, firstly."
"Why thank you!" 
"You had some setbacks, namely your engineers telling you to not overtake Checo nor Hamilton, which you thankfully ignored. Why?"
"Because I'm awesome and a rebel." I laughed, before I shook my head, "Nah seriously, I wouldn't be okay with myself knowing I could have at least tried to overtake both of them. I know the team was just concerned because the conditions weren't exactly the best, but  I had to at least try."
"Speaking of less-than-ideal conditions," Natalie began, "You and Lewis had a head-to-head, and I'll be honest, I really thought one of you would barrel into the wall at some point."
I shook my head, "Oh yeah, I think we're both stubborn, and I speak for myself when I say I wasn't planning on relishing and just letting him keep his place. I think my parents had a heart attack if they saw that." 
"Lewis hit your rear with his front, how do you feel about that?"
I shrugged, keeping to myself my real opinion, "Stuff like that happens, we were just getting out of a turn and I was overtaking, his front touched my rear. Wow, that will not sound good out of context." 
Natalie laughed, offering me a smile, "One last question, and I always ask these after you every podium, but what is the toast you and Max always share?"
I laughed, shaking my head, "Yeah, there's a reason I only say that with no mics or cameras around. Sorry!"
Natalie laughed, nodding softly, "Well, excellent work Y/N! Congrats!"
I nodded and walked away, my PR telling me to avoid more interviews because most of these interviewers were planning on trying to get a rise out of me so that I would lose it and say I thought Lewis had hit me on purpose. 
As I walked to Ferrari, I turned back, calling for Max, he turned around, offering me a grin, "I'll take that first place someday Verstappen!"
"Keep dreaming you idiot!" 
I walked into Ferrari, finally letting myself look as tired as I felt. I saw Charles in the room, already changed and I walked over to him, nudging him with my shoulder. 
"Hey, French boy."
Charles shook his head, "For the last time, I'm Monegasque!"
I shrugged, smiling innocently, "Isn't it the same thing?"
Charles huffed, shaking his head, "We have dinner reservations before the party, so go get changed so we can get back to the hotel and you can shower and put on something that's not the Ferrari merch."
I stuck my tongue out at him, "Yeah, I need like twenty showers, Fernando-"
"Yup, he emptied half a bottle of champagne down your back, I saw it." Charles laughed, leaning his hip against a nearby table, "Well, get going, you're all sticky."
I rose an eyebrow at him, pulling him in for a hug, "You didn't seem to mind last night, or this morning."
Charles gave me an incredulous smile and I smirked, heading to my driver's room. That should teach him.

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