[ Zhou Guanyu ]

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Requested by: @ElliMayGrey 

I sat down between Guanyu's legs, my favorite book, The Little Prince, open in my hands as I read softly to him, enjoying the feeling of being this close to him.
It wasn't unusual for Guanyu to call me -when I could not make it to his races- or to pull me into his driver's room so I could read to him before races. He always said my reading helped calm him down, and if my boyfriend liked it, who was I to deny him that?

We were getting to the saddest part of the book, where the Little Prince gets bitten and 'returns to his home planet' and I was sniffing ever so often because I already knew what was about to follow. It always made me cry.
"You don't have to read it through if you don't want to," Guanyu said softly, kissing my head, "It already helped a lot."
I smiled, reaching up to peck his lips as I watched him smile brightly, using one of his hands to wipe my tears, "It's okay, I don't mind. I'd do anything for you, you captivated me, and we're forever responsible for the ones we captivate."
He smiled brightly in response, burrowing his head in the crook of my neck, "I love you, did you know?" 
I smiled, closing the book, before I turned to Guanyu, grabbing his face with my hands as I smiled, "I love you."
He kissed me, a kiss so tender it made me feel like I was flying.
We stayed in each other's arms for a little longer, until he had to get in the car. I watched him prepare to get in the car, before he called me over, "You are forever responsible for those you captivate," he whispered.
I smiled. I had read that damned book to him so many times he already knew the lines by heart, "And those who captivate you are forever responsible for you," I pressed a last kiss to his lips as he put on his balaclava, "Go get them, love."
I retreated to the back of the garage, retrieving a pair of headsets and putting them on as I watched my boyfriend drive to the starting grid.

I had a great feeling about today's race!


"Hello 宝贝 (bǎobèi, meaning "darling" or "baby"). What are you reading this time?"
I looked up from my book, finding Guanyu setting down a teapot, two teacups, and some cookies.
"Just some Agatha Christie, my love," I said lifting my book and showing him the cover, "The Sittaford Mystery."
He smiled, "Sounds interesting."
I blushed brightly, "Would you like to borrow it once I'm done with it?"

Guanyu froze for a second. I was very protective of all of my books, and letting anyone borrow or even touch them was usually out of the question, but I had been with Guanyu for almost a year now, if there were anyone I'd trust to look after my books, it would 10000% be him.
"Are you sure?" 
I nodded, "You're my boyfriend, of course, I'll let you borrow one of my books. I'd even lend you The Little Prince, but I only have a copy and it's quite scruffy as you've seen."
It was true, that book was one of my most prized possessions, my father had gifted me that book when I started elementary school, and I had it since then, almost seventeen years now. It was battered and worn down, you could barely see the drawing on the cover anymore and the pages had turned yellowish at some point. 
"If you're sure, then I'll take it! It'll be nice to have something for the long travels when I'm alone."
I smiled at him then, placing a bookmark on my book and closing it as I served the two of us some tea, "Did you really mean it? I know how much you treasure the Little Prince, I don't want you to feel like you have to let me borrow your books just because we're dating."

I smiled at him, reaching over to place my hand on his leg, "I'm sure. You're my boyfriend, and I love and trust you, there's no one in this world I'd trust with my books if not you. Even with The Little Prince." 
Guanyu smiled then, a big grin, "You will forever be responsible for me, 宝贝, because you have captivated me."


I had been crying for the past two hours because Guanyu and I had turned both our apartments and cars upside down and I couldn't find my copy of The Little Prince anywhere.
"I've had that book for almost seventeen years! How could I have lost it?! How stupid am I?!"
Gunayu hugged me, trying his best to comfort me, "It'll turn up sweetheart, I promise. C'mon, let's have some tea to see if it'll help calm down your nerves."
He brought me to the kitchen table and I sat down, burying my head in my hands as I cried, "Sweetheart, please. It breaks my heart to see you so sad."
Guanyu took me in his arms, and I burrowed my head into his chest, "It was a special book. My dad gave me that book when I started reading because it was his favorite book from when he was a kid, and that was the first copy he bought for himself when he was thirteen. He gave me that book about a year before he got sick, and I'd read it to him every day until he passed away," I sighed as I felt Guanyu's arms tightening around me, "I feel like I lost a piece of him now, you know? That was one of the few things that I felt kept him near me."

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